Take advantage of the chaos in WordPress and learn Python with these 3 free courses to replace it


Over the last few days, the popular platform for uploading content to the Internet, WordPress, has been involved in a serious controversy. As a result of all this, many users are considering migrating to other options for these tasks that we are mentioning.

And this may be a good time to learn to use other languages ​​and online platforms that allow us to get the most out of our content and projects. What’s more, at this point we can affirm that learning Python, for example, can become an excellent professional opportunity right now.

We must keep in mind that we have multiple sources to learn this programming language, even without spending a single euro. Online we can find a good amount of help in the form of courses, books and tutorials to learn Python comfortably from home.

It is important to know, at this point, that we are faced with one of the most in-demand programming languages ​​at the moment. Multiple companies are looking for both beginner and advanced workers who have some knowledge of Python for multiple projects. Hence precisely why this is a great time to learn how to develop all types of software components with this language that we are telling you about.

Below we bring you a series of free courses that you can take advantage of right now to start with Python from the beginning and advance at your own pace.

Free courses to learn Python

To start with all this we need more than knowing some basic concepts of general programming. From there we can specialize in this development language and advance in knowledge as we need it.

Python for Everybody Specialization. First of all, we are going to talk to you about a useful course that you can access through this link. It must be taken into account that this is a complete training course with a duration of 10 hours per week over a couple of months. You start from the beginning with the most basic concepts of Python to advance in your knowledge of the structures and analysis of the language.

python course CourseraPython for beginners. This other training content comes to us from the giant Microsoft, which offers us a course to learn the discussed language for free. At first we only have access this link provided to us by the software giant itself.

Python Microsoft

We will have the possibility of following it comfortably from home and it has a total duration of just under 5 hours. Here all the basic concepts of the programming language are covered until we become experts in it. We will learn all its structures and data types that we can use and we will even have the opportunity to develop our first programming project.

Python course from scratch (Complete). It may also happen that we prefer to learn with content in video form. Well, in Google’s popular streaming service, YouTube, we find this proposal that allows us to start from scratch in this programming language.

It is worth mentioning that the video course has a total duration of just over 8 hours and is especially suitable for all those who do not have prior knowledge.

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