AI destroys jobs, but also creates new ones: 3 new positions and how to prepare for them


That Artificial Intelligence is here to stay is something that almost no one doubts at this point. Hence the fears of many people that the different AI platforms are increasingly prepared to steal millions of jobs.

This is something that has been talked about for several months now, following the huge emergence of different platforms of this nature in the lives of many people. Whether they are technology lovers or not, more and more people are using these tools for one task or another. In addition, to all this we must add that the different language models available are increasingly more advanced and intelligent.

We are already beginning to see the first AI capable of reasoning and thinking in some way when it comes to offering us answers in the different chatbots. Hence, saying that some jobs are at risk because of Artificial Intelligence is starting to become a reality. But, on the other hand, we must also take into account that these platforms are also generating new types of jobs.

That is why in these same lines we are going to talk to you about some new jobs that you can access created by the use of AI, a technology that is growing right now.

New AI jobs you can access

To give you an idea, in our country alone there are currently more than 1,000 job vacancies related to this technology on LinkedIn. In addition, in order to apply for these recently launched jobs, knowledge that we already have by default is often required.

Google Gemini

Obviously, it is also appreciated to know everything related to technology, even if we are technology lovers, all the better.

Natural language professional. The different platforms focused on Artificial Intelligence try to facilitate the interaction of humans with technology as much as possible. Here, natural language plays a key role in current and future language models. Precisely for this reason, many companies are looking for professionals in linguistics and philology to train these models and make them as powerful as possible.

Specialist in understanding prompts. And returning to the interaction between humans and AI, you can imagine the use of prompts is gaining importance. These terms are the most common and used by people to obtain the results they are looking for on the different intelligent platforms. Hence, workers with knowledge in linguistics and psychology are sought to improve the understanding of these growing applications and language models.

Ethics experts. This is an aspect that the different developers and trainers of AI language models must keep in mind in order to ensure that their projects have a certain future. The ethics that AI must follow in order to offer acceptable and fair responses based on human values ​​must be strictly followed. That is why professional workers with knowledge in this sector are sought.

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