Can I collect unemployment and be self-employed?


When we consider the option of starting a self-employed activity, there are many questions that usually arise. Most of them, derived from ignorance and the scope of this type of activity. Today we will tell you if it is possible to collect unemployment and, at the same time, start a self-employed activity.

Work on their own It can be a good opportunity if we have always wanted to undertake a project and have never found the conditions to be able to do so. However, there are many doubts that arise, most of them derived from labor instability with which this type of regime is related. One of the great fears is always unemployment, in the event of running out of clients or having billing below expectations.

However, there is a scenario which allows us to collect unemployment and, at the same time, begin our activity as freelancers. SEPE itself has a dedicated website to people who face these types of doubts and want to resolve them. We tell you all the details.

a person in front of a computer

Yes, you can collect unemployment and be self-employed

Indeed, the SEPE contemplates the possibility of collecting unemployment and then start our activity as self-employed without losing the right to unemployment benefits. Although, yes, it has certain limitations. As stated by the aforementioned organization itself, the compatibility between unemployment and self-employment activity It is one of the different scenarios that we can evaluate in the event that we have recently lost our job.

If we are receiving a contributory level unemployment benefit, and we have ceased our work activity, we will be able to continue collecting unemployment even if we register as self-employed workers. The main limitation is found in the maximum time that we will be able to enjoy this possibility: 270 days. That is, for nine months. However, in order to enjoy this situation, we have to request compatibility in a maximum period of 15 days since we have started the activity on our own.

Other options

This is not the only scenario that we can assess if recently we have been unemployed and we are considering registering as self-employed. Either to start a new business or to start providing services as a freelancer. An alternative that can also be very interesting is to temporarily pause unemployment benefits. To do this, we should go to our employment office and request that we want to pause the strike so we can register as self-employed workers.

Once the procedure is completed, if things do not go as expected, we will be able to resume unemployment benefit for a maximum period of five years. In this way, we will be able to verify the viability of our business and, in the event that we do not obtain the income that was expected, we will be able to cancel our activity and recover the unemployment that we had previously accumulated.

When in doubt, it is important to remember that the Public Service of State Employment It has the telephone number 91 926 79 70 available to its citizens to request an appointment to go to one of its offices. In addition, we can also request the same electronically by accessing the electronic office.

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