Cybersecurity tips you should apply in your daily life to stay protected


Now that your life is almost completely digitalized, with your accounts, your work, your leisure time and even your shopping lists in the cloud, knowing how to apply certain cybersecurity notions to your devices is important. Since this is not a knowledge within the reach of the average user, in this article you will find some cybersecurity tips that you should start applying now, in your daily life.

Every time you log on to check your email, access your accounts, read the newspaper, or work, you are exposed to cybercriminals. It’s not a question of being alarmist, not everyone experiences this, but you do have to be realistic in the sense that, knowing the danger can make you better able to avoid it. We have prepared a list of cybersecurity tips that any user can put into practice in their daily life, to have a safer life, no matter how much time they spend online.

Admit it, you are absolutely surrounded by all kinds of connected devices: mobile phones, computers, tablets, smart speakers and much more. Each of them is a gateway for potential attacks if you don’t take the right measures. But having a more cyber-secure life doesn’t require you to be a tech expert, just follow these basic recommendations.

The 15 key tips to improve your cybersecurity

A good starting point is to be aware of the dangers that exist and adopt habits that protect your personal information. Below, we explain some essential tips to protect your digital life from cybercriminals.

  • Always keep your antivirus up to date: Having a good antivirus program and making sure it is up to date is essential. An outdated antivirus loses its effectiveness against new threats. Don’t worry if you can’t afford the best on the market, even free versions offer basic protection that is better than nothing.
  • Be wary of strange emails: Phishing emails are one of the most common tactics used by cybercriminals. If you receive an email that is suspicious or from a sender you don’t know, don’t open it. And of course, avoid clicking on links or downloading attachments in these emails.
  • Update your operating system regularly: Each new update to your operating system usually includes security patches that fix vulnerabilities. Make sure you always have the latest version installed on your devices.
  • Use strong, unique passwords: Avoid using easy passwords like “123456” or your date of birth. It’s best to use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Also, use different passwords for each account and change them regularly.
  • Enable two-step authentication: Many platforms allow you to add an extra layer of security through two-step authentication. This way, in addition to your password, you will need a code that you will receive on your mobile or by email to access your account.

cybersecurity tips

Other very important tips that you should apply to improve your cybersecurity are the following:

  • Beware of public Wi-Fi networks: Avoid connecting to public Wi-Fi networks, especially for sensitive transactions such as accessing your bank account. If you must do so, use a virtual private network (VPN) that encrypts your connection.
  • Review your app permissions: Many apps ask for unnecessary permissions to access your camera, microphone, or location. Review them carefully and only grant the permissions that are strictly necessary.
  • Back up your data regularly: Make sure you have backups of your most important information, either in the cloud or on an external hard drive. This way, if you suffer a cyber attack, you won’t lose your data.
  • Don’t overshare your personal information: Avoid sharing sensitive data on social media or websites of dubious origin. Cybercriminals can use this information to steal your identity.
  • Activate the firewall: The firewall is an additional barrier that prevents malicious programs from accessing your computer. Make sure it is always activated.

Open source firewall

Finally, you should not forget the following recommendations:

  • Protect your mobile devices too: Don’t forget that your mobile phone and tablet are just as vulnerable as your computer. Install an antivirus on these devices and avoid downloading applications from unofficial sources.
  • Be cautious with IoT devices: Connected devices, such as smart speakers or security cameras, can also be hacked. Keep their systems up to date and make sure to follow the manufacturer’s security recommendations.
  • Always log out: If you use a public or shared computer, make sure you log out when you’re done. Don’t leave your accounts open, as anyone could access your information.
  • Check the URLs of the sites you visit: Before entering sensitive data, such as your password or credit card, make sure the page is secure. Check that the link begins with “https” and that it has a padlock in the address bar.
  • Turn off the connection when not in use: If you are not using the Internet, turn off your router or disconnect Wi-Fi from your devices. This way, you will reduce the chances of suffering a cyber attack.

Cybersecurity is a daily task, but by following these simple tips, you will be much more protected against online threats. Remember that most attacks take advantage of small oversights, so stay alert and always update your systems. Your digital security is in your hands!

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