Don’t fall into the trap: emails circulate impersonating delivery companies


Phishing campaigns are back and are more present than ever on the internet. If you have detected that you have ever been sent a malicious email whose sender is from a recognized company, you should immediately flee from it. Now, hackers are acting by impersonating a famous delivery company and you must be more vigilant than ever to avoid falling into their trap. Below, we describe how cybercriminals carry out their attacks and what steps you must follow to combat them.

Internet scams are becoming more frequent and cybercriminals train hard to try to steal all your documentation. These reckless actions are committed on many platforms that we use daily, so we are susceptible to falling into their networks. In fact, phishing campaigns are the most used to commit their misdeeds and trap a greater number of victims, such as emails.

Who doesn’t have a Gmail or Outlook account today? In this case, hackers take advantage of sending emails to random email accounts to hunt down their prey. Today, a series of messages are circulating that impersonate DHL, the package transportation and express delivery company that collaborates with a large number of companies to offer their services. To this end, the Internet User Security Office (OSI) has warned of this situation with the aim of saving the privacy of users.

DHL impersonation

The procedure for sending fake emails is carried out by cybercriminals who impersonate the DHL company. Specifically, the OSI argues that fraudulent emails and SMS have been detected through which they encourage users to click on a link that redirects to a malicious web page, where they directly request personal and banking data.

Specifically, the SMS messages refer to orders that could not be delivered, using the excuse that they need a customs payment and requesting payment of said amount to the victim to continue with the delivery process.

Fraudulent SMS spoofing DHL

Keep in mind that if you have received this email and have not clicked on any link, the first thing you should do is mark the email as spam and delete it completely. In the event that you have not ignored it and have fallen into the trap, you should follow the following recommendations:

  • Take screenshots of all the messages you have received and processes you have carried out to have them as proof when reporting it to a police station.
  • When you receive an email, make sure the address is official and does not contain a fake domain.
  • Over the next few days and months, check that your personal data is not circulating on the internet without your consent. If so, you can request that all information be deleted by exercising the right to be forgotten.
  • If you have a DHL package pending delivery, you can always check the order number to check its tracking on the official website of the parcel company.

How to detect cybercriminals

Hackers impersonate DHL by sending fraudulent emails that can be detected in different ways. First of all, it can be seen that the email format is not common and there is little information on official logos and serigraphs of the company in question. In addition, the messages contain spelling mistakes and appear written in several languages. It is also detected that the DHL domain is non-existent, since the links redirect to pages with dubious URL addresses, making it a complete fraud.

fraudulent email spoofing DHL

Finally, it should be noted that the subjects that appear in the emails are the following:

  • Dhl Service XXXXXXXXXX – Case created.
  • Your order is ready for dispatch.

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