Edge will allow us to have a say in the ads that appear when browsing

Edge will allow us to have a say in the ads that appear when browsing

As with other companies like Google, in recent years Microsoft has been widely singled out for everything related to ads and targeted advertising. Hence it seems that at this moment it is beginning to rectify and adapt to the demands of its users, even if only a little.

This is something we are beginning to see through one of its most important and ambitious projects, the Edge browser. With this program, the software giant wants to become an important part of a sector as complicated as the browser sector. Although it is not yet close to Chrome, it is true that this is a program that has had a good acceptance in general terms.

That’s why Microsoft itself updates it from time to time and sends new features to improve its use. We tell you all this because a new and interesting feature has been discovered that will please many and is related to ads. The company is working on a new test function that will allow users to evaluate the relevance of the ads that are shown.

In this way, the changes we are discussing aim to address concerns about targeted ads and improve user control in this regard. This is a strategy with which the company aims to evade, at least in part, the criticism received for advertising in a large part of its products and platforms. All of this focuses on the criticism received by targeted ads.

Edge will thus allow us to evaluate the accuracy and relationship of these ads to our actual interests.

Edge will give us greater control over ads

But of course, this functionality that we mentioned can also be read in another way. And with this evaluation system the company will be able to show us advertisements that are more appropriate to our tastes or preferences once we have evaluated the current ones.

These changes have already been seen in the program of some users who have published their impressions on the social network and services. It will be called something like Ad Measurement and Reporting from where we will have the possibility of activating a new selector.

edge ads

Thus, based on the websites we visit at that time, we can evaluate the effectiveness of the advertisements that will be displayed on the screen. The problem is that at the moment it is only available to a small number of users. This means that Microsoft is testing the new functionality for ad measurement gradually and it will gradually reach everyone. This way we will have greater control over these elements in Edge and over time they will reach us more accurately.

And that’s not all, as there is another novelty in the form of another feature to allow us to track interest groups. This means that we can also choose which advertisers can show you ads from then on.

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