The date is approaching: the Treasury will begin sending the dreaded fear letters in the coming days


The final period of the 2023 Income campaign is approaching. And, with it, begins the moment in which the Tax Agency controls whether all taxpayers have regularized their tax situation and have complied with their obligations. If you do not do so, the tax agency will begin to send the dreaded “fear letters.” We tell you everything you need to know about them.

The 2023 Income Tax Campaign faces its final stretch. There are only a few days left for taxpayers to submit the draft declaration and find out the final result of the regularization of their personal income tax. Although most of us have already taken advantage of these last few months to fulfill our obligation, Some people may not have done the same yet.

If this is your case, the Treasury will be in charge of sending what are known as the “fear letters.” A communication that arrives mainly after having detected that the statement of income on time or that, even if it is submitted, the data collected does not correspond to the information that the Treasury has on our tax information.

2023 income tax image

What are fear cards?

As we have already anticipated, this popular name is used to refer to all the communications sent by the Treasury once it has detected that we have not submitted our Income Tax return or that, if we do, the assessed body that there has been an error that requires correction to be able to fix the situation. In these cases, we must carefully read the letter sent and act accordingly based on what the Treasury has considered.

As we have already explained on other occasions in this same medium, the sanction depends on whether the result of the Income Tax It is to enter or return. In the event that it is to be deposited and the Treasury has not yet required us, the penalty is 1% of the amount to be deposited, to which another 1% must be added for each month of delay. Once we reach 12 months, the penalty amounts to 15% along with the corresponding late payment interest. If the organization sends us the corresponding request through the dreaded letters, the fine would be higher and would correspond to a payment of between 50 and 150% of the total debt.

If the Income is to be returned, the penalty is €100 if we file the declaration voluntarily. However, if the Treasury Department warns us of the error, we will have to accept a higher penalty, which will reach €200.

They also arrive with the declarations presented

Although it is not usual, the letters of fear They may also arrive in the event that we have submitted the draft with the correct information, but we have not made the payment. This situation may be due to a simple oversight, because we do not have sufficient balance in our bank account if we have direct debited the payment, or even if we have made a mistake when entering the account number and the corresponding payment could not be processed.

If the Treasury detects that the data we have submitted does not match what it Tax agency have registered, we must also clarify the situation by providing the corresponding documentation. Therefore, the best thing we can do is try to minimize the appearance of possible errors in our declaration and submit it within the period that the Tax Agency has enabled for this.

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