CaixaBank has been out of service all day. Here’s how you can file a claim if it has caused you harm

CaixaBank has been out of service all day. Here’s how you can file a claim if it has caused you harm

A difficult day for the Spanish banking sector with the service outage of several entities. This morning we reported on the problems accessing ING, but the truth is that it is not the only entity that has made life difficult for its customers. CaixaBank takes the cake after being out of service all day. We tell you how you can make a claim if it has caused you harm.

CaixaBank customers have been experiencing difficulties this morning when carrying out online banking operations. What may have seemed like a temporary problem has ended up being a real problem, as at this time it is still impossible to carry out many of the usual online banking transactions.

Image twitter user



@HelenaCyM @iarriolap Hi Helena, we have detected a problem in the app and online banking that may cause slowness in operations. We are working to resolve it as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience caused. Regards

July 1, 2024 • 17:16



“Hi Helena, we have detected a problem in the app and online banking that may cause slow operations. We are working to resolve it as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience caused. Best regards.”

The above message is the one that is being offered to customers who are asking for explanations after being unable to operate normally for several hours. According to specialized portals of the Internet in this type of matters, the service has stopped working at approximately 11:30 a.m. today, July 1, 2024.

Problems accessing CaixaBank

It seems that this is a consequence of the unification of the app for signing transactions with the app that groups all the services. However, it is also at least striking that an entity the size of CaixaBank makes such technical changes on the first day of the month when we are in the middle of paying taxes and Income Tax.

You can claim

In 2021, the commercial company that operates and operates on the stock market through CaixaBank suffered directly from the consequences of the platform’s technical failures. Following the bank’s refusal to compensate for losses due to not being able to execute several operations, in April 2023 the company filed the corresponding lawsuit in the Valencia courts for “breach of contract and consequent claim for damages caused by the delay in the execution of sales orders by the bank. In addition to the consequences arising from the conflict: damages and losses caused.

A year later, CaixaBank decided to compensate by mutual agreement without the need to hold a trial that the bank was clearly going to lose since the technical problems were proven. If you have suffered any type of financial loss or damage as a result of this incident, the first thing to do is to file a written complaint with the bank and, if you do not receive a response, proceed to court.

In this case, proving the problem is simple, since we only need to compile the responses that the bank itself has offered to customers on social networks. Therefore, we must save everything necessary to justify that it is not possible to carry out operations since the service went down from 11:30 today.

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