The changes in Finetwork that go unnoticed among its clients

The changes in Finetwork that go unnoticed among its clients

It seems that Finetwork’s summer is full of changes. The operator not only surprised with the arrival of 5G coverage, the first rate with unlimited gigabytes or Fiber from only 17.90 eurosThere are also a number of other new features that may have gone unnoticed by your customers.

With all the changes that have been coming to Finetwork, it is normal that its customers miss some of the new features that the operator presents for the future. Since the Alicante telephone company renewed its agreement with Vodafone, they have not only lowered prices, but they have also launched 5G and other interesting rates. However, there are other details that must be taken into account, such as the change in permanence, Amazon Prime…

More news on Finetwork

Among the various new features that were launched in Finetwork, there are another series of changes that are also important to take into account for the future. Especially if you are a customer of this operator. Just as you may be interested in them if you are thinking of contracting one of their mobile-only rates or a convergent plan.

To start with, one of the first changes to the Spanish operator’s catalogue is the removal of Amazon Prime from its offering. Until now, the operator offered a free year of this subscription to its customers on different rates. It should be noted that this agreement has been in place for a few years, and had even been renewed a few months ago, but everything points to this being the last time the operator would offer this free service to its users. At least, for the moment, there are no signs of this on its website.

Finetwork fiber and mobile

On the other hand, there is also an important new feature in mobile rates. Until now, mobile plans included up to 1,000 free SMS. Now, customers can only enjoy sending up to 100 free SMS to national telephones.

In addition to this change, the operator has decided to go one step further in terms of permanence. Fiber-only installations maintain the 12 months, while fiber and mobile rates have 3 months. However, the penalty for leaving early rises to 175 euros, instead of having to pay the maximum of 96.8 euros previously set by Finetwork. Therefore, it adds to the different novelties that land in the current offer of the Alicante operator.

Not everything is bad

And although there are details that you may not like, the truth is that the operator has focused on completely improving its catalogue. Starting by launching 5G coverage in all its mobile rates and betting on more competitive prices in true Digi style. Hence, right now you can have 300 Mbps for only 17.90 euros per month with this operator or 600 Mbps for 22.90 euros. So it represents an important change. So, in general, the new features result in an improvement in conditions for new and existing customers of the operator.

It should also be noted that the operator has completely revamped the image of its website. As promised just a week ago, the company has launched a website with a new design. The app with the new image is expected to be ready in September.

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