Paramount could rely on Max to compete with Netflix and Disney+

Paramount could rely on Max to compete with Netflix and Disney+

Paramount is reportedly in talks with several streaming providers to create a new partnership to compete with some of the industry leaders. Although Max is the name that is being bandied about the most, nothing has been confirmed yet.

Paramount would be looking for new alliances that allow it improve their competitiveness in the streaming sector. According to information published in the media Broadband TV News, the company would be in talks with different agents in the sector to obtain a more complete proposal with which to improve your positioning in this area.

The intention of Paramount executives is to to know the opinion of the managers from the rest of the streaming services to assess the possibility of a merger with another entity. If this were to happen, both companies would be co-owners of the resulting service. And, among all the possibilities being considered, it seems that the best positioned to make this collaboration a reality arises from the alliance with Max, to which you can subscribe from this link.

image of max on a computer

Improve positioning

Currently, the streaming sector is full of a large number of platforms that have been emerging in recent years and that are looking for the right way to differentiate themselves from each other to improve their positioning. Among all of them, it seems that Warner Bros. Discovery would be the most interested in reaching an agreement with Paramount. The collaboration between Max and Paramount+ could be a good option to try to compete with companies like Netflix or with the power of Disney’s suite of platforms in the United States, which includes Disney+ itself as well as Hulu and ESPN.

A merger between several companies could mitigate the loss of customers, one of the major challenges faced by these types of services. This would be achieved thanks to a much more diverse and complete programming, capable of covering the tastes of its customers completely.

Implications for other services

In Europe, the agreement reached would have a direct involvement in SkyShowtime, which is the joint venture between Paramount and Comcast and which you can sign up for from this link. Therefore, its impact would be global in all the territories in which it operates.

Although everything seems to be in an early stage, if the talks lead to a new platform, this move could have a major implication on the future. rest of the companies. They would be forced to reach new agreements with each other in order to compete with the resulting company.

CNBC claims that companies like Disney and Warner Bros. Discovery In recent months, they have shown their willingness to license part of their content to rival platforms, such as Netflix, in order to better monetize the programs that are not able to attract new subscribers to streaming services. A good indicator of how the industry is changing in search of the best way to ensure the profitability of its operations.

While all this is happening, it seems that the main beneficiary will be the consumer. Who will increasingly have at his disposal much more complete catalogues with which you can fully enjoy all your favorite titles gathered under a single service.

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