Google Photos is now testing its AI so you have more control over your images in the cloud


Storing photos in the cloud is a good option to have them available anywhere, share them easily with other people or simply create backup copies. Google Photos is one of those options and now it has a new feature. At the moment it is in testing, but it looks like it will be widely used soon. We are going to explain what it is and who can use it now.

Google Photos is going to introduce a new feature that uses Artificial Intelligence. This is to improve a function that it already has, which is to search for photos within all the ones you have stored there. It will make life easier for users, as well as having certain added features that may be useful.

Google Photos is already thinking about AI

This new feature is called Ask Photos. For now, it is a test feature for limited users. In fact, it is only available to select users in the United States. However, it is expected that they will gradually open this feature to more users and more countries. You even have to request early access for now.

This isn’t the first time AI has been used, as it has been used for some time to recognise people, pets and places. But what exactly does this new feature do? Its mission is to make it easier to find a specific photo. You’ll be able to do more descriptive searches, rather than just keywords. For example, search for an image in which there is a person riding a bicycle with some mountains behind.

When you have thousands and thousands of photos, finding a specific one, the one you are interested in, can be difficult. You don’t remember exactly when you took it, the exact location, etc. By being able to perform a descriptive search, giving more information than you can remember, you can find it more easily.

In addition to being able to search more easily, it also has a greater capacity to sort results, either by date or relevance, and thus find what you need more quickly. The ultimate goal is to make searching for images easier, without limiting yourself to keywords.

Differences between public and private cloud

Your own cloud, an alternative

An alternative to Google Photos, as well as other similar platforms, is to have your own private cloud. At a local level, a very interesting option is QuMagie, QNAP’s application for managing photos intelligently. This allows you to search for photos within the QNAP NAS quickly and accurately.

Having your own private cloud allows you to have total control over everything you store. It is very useful for preserving privacy and security, as well as not worrying about storage, since you can always expand it as needed. Likewise, you will have access from anywhere, you will be able to share files with other people, etc.

Our advice is that, whatever option you choose, don’t limit yourself to just one platform for storing images or files in general. Ideally, you should have at least a couple of options. This way, you’ll have an extra backup in case there is a problem.

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