How to become a civil servant regardless of your educational background


To be a state official or public employee it is not always necessary to have a university degree. There are other jobs in which the academic training required is less. If it is your house, you want to know what the requirements are, here we leave you the qualifications that they can ask for.

There is a minimum required to be a public employee in Spain, but that does not mean that you do not have the opportunity. However, as in other jobs, depending on the level of studies you have, you may have the opportunity to compete for one position or another. Therefore, if you are thinking of being a civil servant, it is convenient for you to know the classification into groups that exists in our country.

Higher level of studies, more options

Those people who have a higher level in terms of academic training (university degree, baccalaureate, etc.), will have access to more levels. Not only to the higher ones, but if in your case you have a high degree, you will have the option to compete for the lower levels. For this we leave you the classification in degree groups according to the level of studies that is requested to be able to enter:

  • Group A

    • Subgroup A1: for this subgroup it is necessary to be in possession of the university degree of Bachelor, Engineer, Architect, Bachelor or similar. In those cases in which the Law requires another university degree, this will be the one that is taken into account, that is, when they ask you for a particular degree.

    • Subgroup A2: it is required to have a university degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect, University Diploma, Third Degree Vocational Training or similar.

  • Group B: it is requested to be in possession of the title of Higher Technician in FP or Higher Level professional training.

  • Group C

    • Subgroup C1: in this case it is necessary to be in possession of the title of Bachelor or Technician or equivalent.

    • Subgroup C2: it is requested to have a Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) graduate degree or one that is equivalent to FP1.

However, there is another group that we will look at in more detail below.


Oppositions without studies?

Leaving aside the previous groups, there is also Group E, although it was renamed ‘Other professional groups without qualification requirements’. These are the simplest oppositions generally, since they do not even ask for an academic degree, that is, it is not necessary to have specific studies to compete for those public jobs that are part of this group.

In this case, you can find the following oppositions: cleaning staff, cooks, orderlies, security guards, laborers, drivers, subordinates, etc. And all this within the State administration, administrations of the autonomous communities, local entities such as town halls or public universities.

Other general requirements

In short, it must be borne in mind that you can become a civil servant regardless of your academic background depending on the position you want. And that’s not all, since other general requirements must also be met:

  • Nationality: you must have Spanish nationality. Or you can participate in an opposition as official staff (although some jobs require this nationality yes or yes):

    • “Nationals of Member States of the European Union.
    • The spouse of Spaniards and nationals of other Member States of the European Union, whatever their nationality, provided they are not legally separated. Likewise, with the same conditions, descendants under the age of twenty-one or over that age who are dependents will participate.
    • The persons included in the scope of application of the International Treaties concluded by the European Union and ratified by Spain in which the free movement of workers is applicable.
  • Age: be at least 16 years old and not exceed the maximum retirement age. Some positions may require a minimum of 18 years of age.

  • Capacity: have the functional capacity to carry out these tasks and may request that physical tests be passed in some calls.
  • legal clearance.

If you meet these requirements and opt for a civil servant position, as long as your academic training allows it, then you can become a public employee if you pass the tests.

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