How to unsubscribe or cancel the YouTube Red free trial


The technological world has made great advances over time. Based on this, it is quite common that our lives are linked to it, since many of the tasks or actions that we carry out on a daily basis have to do with various technological items or elements.

If you want to listen to music online and not necessarily from the radio, people usually go to various web platforms, where they can find a wide musical diversity or, failing that, this serves as a blank space to let their tastes run wild. .

Youtube red, is a video transmission service, which guarantees you a special use where you will not have to be a victim of annoying ads. Although within the platform you can carry out many things, in general it is an ideal space for sharing knowledge and leisure.

Applications and functions such as the ones we have named work thanks to a subscription, which supports their financing and content promotion. It should be noted that this subscription must be paid month by month in a timely manner, if what you want is to continue enjoying the application.

But, if you become dissatisfied with the service that it can offer you or you are not sure of being able to meet the payments, you can choose to cancel said application without any problem. If you want to know a little more about this, you just have to keep reading this post.

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How to access the YouTube Red subscription

  1. To start, you must go to the YouTube Red page, accessing the following link
  2. Once there, you will be able to find the main page of YouTube Red, where you will be able to access all the information about the services, prices, functions and frequently asked questions.
  3. When you log in, you will find the “Try it free” button.
  4. Once you press this button, you will see a screen, which will inform you about the validity of said trial period.

It should be noted that as it is a trial period. This is free, so the subscription price will be canceled once the trial month has ended.

If you want to keep the service, since you are satisfied with it, you only have to indicate the payment method with which you want to make the subscription and this will be deducted from your account month by month, until you decide to cancel it. For this, you can use your credit card, debit card or even PayPal.

How to cancel the grotto test

If you have already tried this service, but you feel that it is not for you, you can cancel your free trial without any problem. In order to cancel the service you must enter the YouTube Red page. After that, go to the menu of your options panel and then go to the Purchase button.

Once there, you must go to the Manage Membership link. You will see that there, an option will appear, which is used to cancel the membership, once you press the cancel options, the action will be effective immediately.

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How to disable YouTube Red from any smartphone and tablets

If you want to deactivate the YouTube Red options from your Smartphone or tablet, which is equipped with Android, just follow these steps:

  1. To start you must access your Google settings, in which you must choose the “Paid subscriptions” option, which you can find in the options menu that appears there.
  2. Within that screen, you can find an option that says: Manage for YouTube Premium. When you press it, you must press the “Unsubscribe” button.
  3. There you must indicate a reason why you want to cancel your subscription. Then mark the options that are available there and press “continue”.
    With this, all the service will have been canceled and you can continue searching for the perfect service for you.
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