How to upload a video to the cover of the Facebook FanPage – Easy and fast


We have all used Facebook at some point in our lives, and whether it is a vital part of our daily lives or not, we have all come across one of its famous Fan Pages. You may, in fact, manage one of these and want it to be much more striking and complete in every way. If this is your intention, then keep reading and discover how to upload a video to the cover of the Facebook Fan Page.

There are many options offered by this wonderful social network, since, although we can say that it has been in use for a long time, it is renewed every day with more updates. Taking advantage of these is not that complicated, and if you have a Fan Page we encourage you to fill it with quality content easily with the help of the steps that we give you below.

How to upload a video to the cover of a Facebook Fan Page?

Being popular on the internet and sharing content in a few steps is getting easier as the years go by. Social networks have played an extremely important role in these advances, and there is no doubt that Facebook was one of the first pioneers in this field of technology.

If you use Facebook and have managed to turn your profile into a Fan Page, there are many options available to you. For example, there is that of publishing photos and videos on the cover of it, making it much more striking. Of course, these videos must have certain requirements that you need to take into account when editing them.

facebook logo in blue

That is why, before showing you how to upload them to the cover of your Facebook Fan Page, we will show you what you must do to edit them correctly. In this way all your followers will be able to enjoy it without any problem, regardless of the device they have.

How to edit a video for the cover of a Fan Page?

As in the case of Instagram and other social networks of that style, it is necessary that the videos that you upload to the cover of a Facebook Fan Page have certain characteristics to be of good quality. To achieve this, you can edit the video in Camtasia Studio or any other quality video editor.

The necessary resolution for the video in this case is 820×456. Its duration has to be from 20 to 90 seconds, which is enough time. In addition, its playback once you have uploaded it will be without sound, although it can be activated, and in a loop. If you follow these instructions, you will have no problem uploading it and playing it as many times as you want.

Steps to upload a video to the cover of a Fan Page on Facebook

Once you have a video that you want to upload already edited, we encourage you to follow the simple steps that we will give you below to upload it to the cover. Whether you manage to manage the Facebook page on mobile or PC, the steps you must follow are:

  • First of all, log in to Facebook with the account you use for your Fan Page.
  • Go to your profile.
  • Above the page cover, tap the change image icon.
  • Select the video you want to use as the cover from now on.

woman with laptop on desk

That is all! As you will see, creating a Facebook Fan Page and managing it is not that difficult, and we encourage you to try it if you have something to share with the world.

You should keep in mind that if you have not edited the video to the required resolution, you will have to resize it right then and there. We also recommend that you edit it, since otherwise there will be parts of the video that cannot be fully appreciated.

In addition to uploading videos to your Facebook page cover, we encourage you to try uploading them as content to your page. Adding a video to a Facebook page is really simple, and without a doubt it gives a special and different touch to the general appearance of it.

We hope that all this information can be useful to you, and that you manage to upload the video you want to the cover of your Fan Page.

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