My phone’s storage was about to run out and deleting the Telegram cache saved me


We’ve grown accustomed to having smartphones with plenty of storage capacity. Now, even the cheapest phones come with at least 128 GB. However, we have so many apps installed, photos and videos that even those gigabytes are not enough. If you’re as tired of the “Not enough space” or “Low space” warning as I am, try clearing Telegram’s cache.

My phone has 128 GB of storage. When I bought it, I thought it was enough. I had just bought a 64 GB smartphone that always gave me internal memory problems, but I never thought I would fill up 128 GB. But I was wrong. I quickly got used to being able to install all the apps I needed and take photos and videos that I never deleted or saved on a cloud storage platform.

So when the message that I didn’t have enough space appeared on my smartphone again, I was worried. My first idea was to start deleting memories from my gallery. But everything I had captured over the past two years seemed important to me (except for the screenshots). I came up with another plan which was to clear the cache of apps that I don’t use that much.

Generally, the applications that we use very occasionally do not store much data, but with Telegram it was different. I usually opt for WhatsApp, because it is the instant messaging platform that my contacts use the most. However, I have Telegram through some channels that I find interesting. The multimedia files that are sent are not saved in our gallery by default, but in our account and it is advisable to delete both the cache and the stored documents to free up space.

How to delete Telegram cache

Links to web pages, photos, videos, audios, PDF documents and even messages. All this takes up memory on our device. In apps that we use from time to time, like Telegram, they can go more unnoticed, but they can add up to a lot of data.

Most Telegram users use news channels or those where they download files. And then they forget they did it because they don’t necessarily save it to the smartphone gallery. If you want to delete the storage of the messaging app, you must follow these steps:

  • Enter the Telegram application.
  • Click on the three horizontal lines that appear in the upper left corner.
  • Click on the Settings function.
  • Among the different options that will appear, there is one called Data and storage, which is the one we are interested in.
  • Inside you will need to select Storage Usage.

telegram cache storage

  • Telegram divides between different types of cache that take up space:
    • Files
    • Photos
    • Stickers and emojis
    • Videos
    • Voice messages
    • Profile pictures
    • stories
    • Several
  • You can directly delete all or part of the cache. From the application, they warn that “all multimedia will remain in the Telegram cloud.” Therefore, if you need a file again, you can go to the chat in question and download it again.

Auto-clear Telegram cached media

If you don’t want to log back into Telegram to delete GB, you can configure media storage from the app. This way, chats, messages from groups or channels, and stories will clear all the cache that has been saved from time to time.

The platform allows you to set up auto-cleaning to occur once a day, every week, monthly, or never. Additionally, you can make different settings depending on the type of chat, as Telegram differentiates between Private Chats, Groups, Channels, and Stories.

Also, if you don’t want the cache to take up too much space, you can limit its maximum size. Telegram sets the limit at 5 GB, 16 GB, 32 GB, or infinite. As detailed on the platform itself, if the space occupied by the cache exceeds the limit, “the oldest unused media will be deleted from the device.”

auto clear cache telegram storage

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