Network hard drive: is it a good idea for storing travel videos and photos? This is how it should be


To store files and have them available anywhere, a good option is to have a network hard drive. It is also known as a NAS server. But why can it be especially interesting for storing videos and photos from your trips? We are going to explain what it is used for and also tell you about the main features that you should take into account when buying a reliable one.

Basically, it is an external hard drive, just like any other, but it will be connected to the Internet. This way, you will be able to control it remotely and access your files. This can be interesting in many circumstances, such as when storing videos and photos that you accumulate.

Why is it useful?

The first advantage of having network hard drives is that you will be able to access the content from several devices at the same time. You will be able to view those videos and photos from your mobile phone, computer or any other device that you have configured with access to that network storage unit.

Also, when travelling, you will be able to easily create backup copies of your videos and photos. All you need is Internet access and everything you create with your mobile phone can be uploaded to your private cloud. This is useful, as you will not lose the content if your phone is stolen or lost.

Another point to keep in mind is that you can have a fairly large capacity. This is interesting to free up space on your mobile devices, as well as to avoid running out of memory when you need to save photos or videos from your trips.

What characteristics should it have?

After explaining why it is interesting, let’s talk about the main features that these network hard drives should have. The first thing to keep in mind is that it is a quality product, so we recommend that you read reviews and comments from other users before buying it. After all, you are going to trust your data to these devices.

One feature you should always look at is the storage capacity. This will depend on how much you need to store. You will find models that can have 500 GB or 1 TB, but also others that could go over 16 TB. Logically, the price will increase as the available storage does as well.

It’s also worth looking at the features regarding remote access. One of the clear advantages is being able to upload content from your mobile phone, no matter where you are. Therefore, it’s good to have an app that’s intuitive, works well, and allows you to create automatic backups.

On the other hand, transfer speed is another factor to take into account. We can say that it is not decisive, but it is useful to have a good speed, at least in certain cases. For example, if you are going to upload a lot of content at once, you want it to have an adequate speed for it.

In short, having a network hard drive to upload photos and videos from your trips is a good option. It is also useful for security, as we have explained. However, it is key that you choose a reliable product that works well. Having a good NAS server is essential.

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