The new 250 euro rental aid: requirements and how to apply for it


In most cases, it is important to be informed about the different government aids that we can benefit from. Now we are going to talk about a benefit that we can collect if we live in a rented home, although we will have to meet a series of requirements.

The truth is that, as many of you already know first-hand, renting is not easy right now considering current housing prices. Moreover, this is something that is especially evident among the youngest people who are leaving their parents’ home for the first time. That is precisely why the Government is helping you in these lines and which you may be able to take advantage of.

Specifically, we are referring to the possibility of benefiting from the so-called Young Rental Bonus that the Government has offered us in previous years. Initially, the main advantage that we will find if we are eligible for this benefit is that we will receive a total of 250 euros per month. These will help us with the rent of our usual residence.

First of all, we must bear in mind that this is a call for rental assistance that the Government is currently working on. It has not yet been officially approved, but a meeting between the Minister of Housing, Isabel Rodríguez, and the Autonomous Communities is planned for October 3, 2024. All to reach an agreement regarding this Youth Rental Bonus that we are talking about.

The reason for all this is that the central government itself is asking the regional governments for help in order to carry out this initiative to help young people with their rent.

Requirements for the 250 euro rental aid

Therefore, everything suggests that in the coming months we will have the possibility of requesting this aid of 250 euros corresponding to the Youth Rental Bonus. But as we told you before, we will have to meet a series of prerequisites to be entitled to this benefit. The first thing you should keep in mind is that in order to apply for it you must be between the ages of 18 and 35.

rental assistance

In addition, in the application we must prove that we are currently employed, and at the same time we must not exceed the maximum annual salary established. The limit that the Government proposes to be able to access the rental assistance will be a maximum of 24,000 euros per year. If we exceed this amount we will not be able to benefit from this benefit.

From there, and if we meet these requirements, once the application period opens, we will have to consult the part that each Autonomous Community provides. In all cases, we should apply for the aid, once the application period starts, as soon as possible. The funds for this will be limited, so if we take too long to ask for those 250 euros per month for the rent, we could end up with the situation where there are no more funds for it.

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