These are the places on Mars that tourists will want to visit first


There is still some time until we can go on vacation to Mars, but that doesn’t mean we can’t think about what would be the first places that tourists will visit. In reality, scientists and astronomers are already sharing recommendations and forecasts of the main destinations to which trips to Mars will take place. Some of these places are amazing!

One of the best things about Mars is that it is a planet that has many more contrasts than Earth. If it seems crazy to you to visit places like Egypt or China because of the great contrasts with Europe, on Mars that type of feeling is maximized in an abysmal way. And all this taking into account that, for now, we do not know the planet in its entirety. But, to start, what are the tourist places that would have the greatest pull?

Mount Olympus

Don’t let its name fool you, since there is little Greek mythology on Mars. What is actually Mount Olympus is the largest volcano that exists on the red planet. It is immense and, in addition, has the title of being the highest mountain in the entire Solar System. Imagine that one day it would be possible to climb it… Everest would be nothing compared to this place!

A photo of the Mount Olympus mountain on Mars

You could say that it is three times the size of Everest and that, in addition, it has a diameter of more than 600 kilometers, truly outrageous. The way in which the lava has been acting on the mountain has led to the production of a structure that is, according to experts, easily climbable. We even know that the summit is 85 km wide, so there would be no problem camping and spending a little time there with other tourists.

sailor’s valley

From the movies you are used to hearing that the Grand Canyon of the United States is a fantastic and breathtaking place. But this canyon system is something from another world and almost never better said. It is four times the Grand Canyon with a total distance of about 3000 kilometers. For now, its origin is unknown with complete precision and we are not very clear in which part of the Sailor’s Valley we should go for tourism, because with that extension we would need a good map.

Medusae Fossae

This large area extends for about 5,000 km and is a fantastic place because of the way in which you can see strange shapes on the surface of Mars. There are all kinds of theories that talk about how those lines and drawings could have been formed that clearly make us think of different types of ideas. The most traditional version is that everything finds its origin in the lava of volcanoes, which is the official answer for the majority of elements that we can find on the planet.

A photo of the surface of Medusae Fossae on Mars

Another story, a little more attractive, is that the shape could have been left after the landing of some type of UFO, perhaps from another type of civilization. However, scientists tend to oppose this idea, so it is left to theories more related to science fiction.

ghost dunes

They are not only found in one location on Mars, but scientists have found them in at least two places: Hellas and Noctis Labyrinthus. Ghost dunes date back thousands of years and, scientists believe, were extremely high in the past. However, over time they began to flood and erode until they are left with the appearance they have now and only their base.

A photo of the curious Ghost Dunes of Mars

A not inconsiderable theory says that the interior of these dunes could be the place where some type of life is found that still exists on the planet. We usually talk about microbes, but it is logical that we still do not know many things about the past and present of Mars.

Other places of interest

Hale Crater would be another of the places that tourists would head to. In this place, slopes are formed full of lines that seem to be drawn and that, today, are a real enigma for scientists. It is believed that they may be the result of various processes and even that the presence of water could be important in their formation. They also believe that it is very likely that there are microbes from Mars and other substances that are dangerous, which is why astronauts and scientists have not wanted to have any type of contact with the area. You would have to look at it from afar.

The curious lines that Hale Crater on Mars has

In addition, Mars has many other places that travelers were sure to love. Now we just have to wait for the exploration missions and the first colonies to be built on the planet to establish the different real tourism possibilities. Because it is obvious that some parts of Mars will be, at least for now, unreachable, while others will present a better opportunity for some sightseeing. Where would you like to go if you had the opportunity?

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