These kind of passwords you should never use, they will hack you


Using a good password is essential to protect social networks, email or any device. However, in many cases we make mistakes when creating them and that makes it easier for a hacker to steal the accounts. In this article we tell you about a very dangerous mistake that you should not make. We are also going to give you some advice so that you can create passwords with total security and do not have problems.

Using phrases as passwords is a big mistake

Sometimes we may think that having a long password is much better for security. Yes and no. In other words, it is true that the more characters an access code has, the more likely it will be and the more reliable it will be, but you must take other factors into account. For example, a 6-character password of the type “4gP$%1” is more secure than a 14-character password of the type “password”.

That brings us to the big mistake we want to mention in this article: using phrases as passwords. Many people put a long phrase that is familiar to them and thus be able to remember it. For example the lyrics of a song, your full name, your city and country, etc. Basically join several words that they can remember well and that form a single sentence.

Why is it a mistake? We are putting a key that only has letters. A potential attacker can launch brute force attacks and it will be easier to crack that password. Also, if we go back to the example of using a song lyric, it could even be part of a list of leaked passwords, that someone else has already used, and it will be even easier for you. You can always see if your email and password have been leaked.

Therefore, it is important that you avoid using phrases as passwords. This will help you maintain security and avoid many problems that can affect you in your day to day. It is something that you should apply to any service or platform that you use online.

Access codes will replace passwords

What to consider when using a password

So what should a good password look like? It is important that it is completely random. Do not use one that you are already using elsewhere, such as an Internet forum, page to buy products, etc. It must be unique and totally random. It uses letters (both uppercase and lowercase), numbers, and other special symbols.

Another factor to take into account is that it should be changed from time to time. Do not leave the same password for years, since there could be a leak and it is exposed. It is something that we have seen on certain occasions and it is convenient to change them whenever there are suspicions so as not to have problems.

To create strong passwords, one thing we advise is to use a key manager. They are going to help you generate them with total security and that meet requirements that make it really reliable. They are going to be random passwords and they comply with everything you should have.

In short, as you can see, it is important that you avoid using phrases as passwords. It is better that you create completely random access keys, that are difficult to memorize and do not make mistakes when generating them. Do not use keys that you are already using elsewhere.

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