This new development from Microsoft is going to forever change the way we interact with Windows


Forget about restarting your Windows computer. Microsoft would be working on implementing a new method that allows us to install new versions without having to interrupt our daily lives. We tell you all the details.

Updating our operating system requires, in the vast majority of cases, having to stop everything we are doing at that moment so that our PC can restart. A scenario that is not as idyllic as it should be if we only have a work team and we do not always find the right time to dedicate a few minutes to incorporating the latest news that have reached our operating system.

Recently, Windows Central reported that we would be close to saying goodbye forever to this process, at least partially, through a new method called “hot patching”. In Spanish, it would be something like “hot patch.” A system that we can already use on other platforms, such as Windows Server and Xbox, and that now seems like it would be close to landing on Windows 11.

windows computer

Security updates

Microsoft has a dedicated space on its support page to explain this function from the year 2023, in which it explains how the hot patching system and to which you can access from this link. In it, he explains that it works “patching the memory code of running processes without needing to restart the process”. The objective pursued through this technique is to be able to incorporate the latest security developments into our team without having to wait for the opportune moment to be able to carry out the update process.

On many occasions, when the system notifies us that a security update is available, it does so after having detected some type of vulnerability that may be compromising our computer. During the time until we restart our device to install the new security patch, we may be putting ourselves at risk as many cybercrime groups are probably taking advantage of the security breach existing to try to access our data. With this method, we avoid having to compromise any of our personal data, avoiding causing any type of inconvenience to the user.

Basic fixes

The implementation of this new function does not mean that the Windows 11 users They no longer have to restart their computers to be able to carry out future updates of the system that requires it. Initially, we will only avoid having to restart our computer when it is a basic update. It is necessary to continue with traditional reboots whenever it is an update that requires it due to its very nature.

The previously mentioned media states that this new functionality would be available at the end of this year, once the 24H2 version of Windows 11. However, there has still been no official confirmation from Microsoft and the support page mentioned previously still states exclusive reference to Windows Server. We will have to continue monitoring the news from Microsoft to find out when it officially arrives as we approach the aforementioned dates.

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