This way you can compare your electricity consumption with respect to the same month of the previous year


To save on your electricity bill, a good measure is to be able to compare consumption with the same period of the previous year. For example, you can see how much you spent in a winter or summer month, which are usually the ones with the highest consumption due to the use of heating and air, in order to compare with this year. Maybe you have taken certain saving measures, so you could check if there has been any change or not.

We are going to explain what you should do to compare light consumption. It is a simple process and you can do it both from your mobile phone and also from your computer. These are data that, as a client, you will have at your disposal. This is valuable information that you may need to save on your bill.

Compare consumption

One option you have is to see how consumption has varied compared to the previous month. However, our advice is that you look at it compared to the same period of the previous year. Why do it like this? For example, December is not the same as November. One month may have a lower temperature, so you will use the heating more. The same can happen in summer, with the heat.

To compare consumption, you can go to your energy distributor’s website. It is not the energy company, but the distributor that operates in the area where you live. It could be Endesa, Iberdrola, etc. Once you are inside the platform, you have to go to Consumption. There you can see the most current expense, which is usually from the previous day, but also select a specific period.

In that period, you can basically leave on any date you want. You could put a month from the previous year, which is what we are looking for in this case. You may have to click More options or Date range. There, just enter the start and end of the dates you are interested in and click Consult to display it.

Compare power consumption

We have tried to check the consumption from June 1 to 30, 2023. A period of a specific month. You will be able to see the total expenditure during that time, but also day by day or even by time slot or hourly. All this information will be available to you through the distributor’s website.

Energy expenditure in a previous month

Useful for saving

Having an exact image of how much you consumed in a previous period of time is very useful to compare with today and see if you are saving or not. Maybe you have made certain changes recently, such as buying a more efficient appliance, changing the way you use the air conditioning, or anything.

There is no better way to see if changes are taking effect than to be able to compare with a previous period of time. Therefore, we recommend that you access your distributor’s platform and see what consumption has been like in another period of time. You can put it by day, week, month… It is totally flexible.

In addition, you will not only be able to see the consumption in kWh, but also the power demanded at all times. This may be interesting if you have doubts about whether or not to lower the contracted power. It is another way to save on your electricity bill, even if it is just a few euros.

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