Tips to prevent Internet risks for your children during Back to School


With the start of a new academic year, many children are beginning to use the Internet on a regular basis each year. Many of them are familiar with digital devices from an early age, they have been born and raised with them, but surfing the Internet consciously, when you are not yet aware of it, is something complicated and all parents have to be very aware of it. But as this is something new, it is not like teaching someone to ride a bike, braid their hair or tie their necktie, it is important to educate yourself thoroughly. Here is a guide with the best tips to prevent the risks of the Internet in your children if they are just starting out.

Young people are faced with a world in which they have grown up, but which they do not yet understand how it works. You have seen the birth of the Internet, its massive adaptation in society, in work, in people’s lives and leisure, until it has become a constant in the lives of many, from a very early age. Moreover, without necessarily being aware of it. How to teach young people to navigate the Internet is a newly created problem, it is not easy to deal with it in the best way. If you want to learn how to prevent the risks of the Internet in your children, below you have all the details

What is parental control and why is it so important?

Parental control is nothing more than a set of tools that allow us to limit and monitor our children’s access to the Internet. As parents, we want them to be able to enjoy the good things that technology has to offer, but it is also essential to protect them from the dangers that circulate online, such as inappropriate content, cyberbullying or even contact with strangers. The importance of parental control lies in the fact that at an early age, children do not have the ability to differentiate what is safe from what is not. Therefore, we need to guide them and, at the same time, give them a safe environment in which to learn and develop.

Nowadays we have different types of parental control, depending on what we want to filter or limit for our minors:

  • Time limitation: Routers usually incorporate built-in software to limit Internet access to certain devices. We can schedule a specific time when the Internet connection can be used, and other times when it will be prohibited.
  • Limiting content: routers usually come with a list of categories where you can or cannot browse. Depending on what type of content you want to limit your children to,

There are models that have both types of parental control, but in other cases, they only have the time limit. There are more advanced routers that will allow us to configure the content limitation in a very detailed way, based on already made DNS lists, and even the possibility of integrating the popular AdGuard.

Parental control tools: What options do we have?

There are many tools that can help us protect our children while they are surfing the Internet. Here are some of the most effective and easy-to-use ones:

  • Google Family Link: Ideal for Android devices, this app lets you create an account for your child and manage app usage time, filter content, and review activity.
  • YouTube Kids: This is perfect if your kids are a regular YouTube watcher. This kids version only shows age-appropriate content.
  • Qustodio: This tool is very comprehensive, as it allows you to monitor your children’s online activities, block unwanted websites and manage screen time.
  • Kaspersky Safe Kids: Software that offers content control, time limits and device location monitoring, so you can have peace of mind when they are away from home.
  • You can also integrate parental controls into your web browser.

These tools allow you to customize the level of supervision and control, adapting to the needs of each family. We also have those integrated directly into the router we have at home, brands such as ASUS, AVM with its FRITZ!Box, TP-Link or NETGEAR, have advanced parental controls, with the aim of protecting the little ones.

Advantages of using parental control

Implementing parental control is not just about limiting or blocking content, but it offers many more advantages that improve the safety and well-being of minors:

  1. Protection from inappropriate content: You can filter and block pages that contain violence, pornography, or inappropriate language.
  2. Screen time management: These tools allow you to limit the amount of time children spend in front of the screen, thus promoting a balanced use of technology.
  3. Online Activity Monitoring: Parental control gives you a clear view of what your children are doing online, what they are searching for and what sites they are accessing, allowing you to stay ahead of potential risks.

How to use parental controls

Practical tips for using parental controls

Parental control is a powerful tool, but it needs to be used correctly and in combination with education. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of it:

  • Talk to your children: It is essential that you explain to them why you are using these tools. It is not about invading their privacy, but rather protecting them from the dangers that exist online.
  • Involve them in the decision: As they get older, it’s good to involve them in decisions about their time spent on screen and access to content. This will help them develop a sense of digital responsibility.
  • Set clear rules: Define from the beginning when and where they can use their devices. Establishing technology-free zones, such as during meals or in their bedroom at night, also helps them to switch off.

Parental control is a very useful tool, but it is not infallible. The key is to combine these solutions with open and constant communication with our children. In this way, we can ensure that they browse the Internet safely and responsibly, while teaching them how to protect themselves.

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