Uber or Cabify? Which is better to work? How much do you earn?


Over time, the methods for requesting transportation have changed. Before, those who did not have a private car depended on the subway, bus or taxis to get around, and although that is still the case, it is true that it is a bit complicated when we miss the bus time, the subway is closed or we do not get taxis.

And if that happens late at night, the bad time that happens is worse. For this reason there is now a new method to contact a private transport, through applications it is now possible to request a taxi service at any time, anywhere so that it comes to rescue you from wherever you are.

Of course, this is a method that most developed countries have adopted, so it is not available in some others. And of course, this has become a great employment opportunity for many. And that is where it is worth asking, where is it best to work?

The best known and most reliable among these applications that offer private transportation services are Uber and Cabify, however, which one is better to work for, taking into account pay and hiring? To find out, keep reading and find out.

What is the difference between Uber and Cabify?

The business models between Uber and Cabify are quite different, while Uber has an artificial intelligence system in which the user connects to the application in search of a nearby driver, Cabify uses big data that is capable of being aware of the tastes and needs of its users and offer personalized services based on them.uber worker traveling by car

Uber has focused on expanding its range of services, ranging from food services to transport services with electric cars of the Tesla brand. Meanwhile, Cabify focuses on providing a better service to each client, that is where the different branches such as Cabify Baby, Cabify Executive, Cabify Group, among others, come from.

What are the requirements to be a driver?


The first thing you should do is create an UBER account. This transportation industry does not require shifts, working hours, or exclusivity. However, in Spain a criminal record certificate is required, to have the car insured, to have a Collective Transport Vehicle (VTC) license, to be registered as an employee in a vehicle company, among other requirements. All these requirements benefit the user, since this guarantees greater security and reliability.

By Cabify

Working in this industry is a bit more complex, as they require more commitment. About exclusivity, only non-competition is requested. To start working you must enter their website. Among the procedures, a commercial service contract is made and they are hired through a social security regime. In the case of being a self-employed driver, you must also have a VTC and a license.request uber from mobile app

How much do you earn in Uber?

How much money you make is up to you, based on how often you drive, where you drive and how long you drive. Of course, the pay also varies depending on whether you work for Uber as a delivery person or a driver. In addition, there are promotions that will significantly increase your income if you take advantage of them. Each rate is different and you should know how to calculate it, depending on your location, and the work you do, as well as the duration and distance of the trip.

One of the conditions is to complete a specific number of trips in the stipulated time in which the offer is available. And another condition is an extra charge in areas and times where there is more demand. Tips can be made through the app, depending on the quality of the service, the driver will receive 100% of this payment through the app.

When it comes to receiving payments there is no major complication, only a bank account is required. Every week you will be able to collect, and it is even better if the clients make the payment in cash, because you will collect the money instantly and Uber will tell you how much you owe from the percentage that corresponds to it. Uber charges 25% commissions for each trip.

How much do you earn in Cabify?

Cabify likewise offers a payment based on the amount of work you do, and at the time you do it. Cabify’s basic service is 1.65 euros per km (the first 20 km) and 1.05 after 21 km. Also, more money is earned in peak hours and there are promotions. Payments are regular and he charges a 20% commission.

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