Verified accounts on Instagram and Facebook: everything you need to know


Twitter implemented an account verification system years ago that allowed users to quickly identify which accounts belonged to government organizations, companies, and mainly journalists. This verification was completely free until the arrival of Elon Musk who has turned it into another method to monetize the platform. It was a matter of time before Meta would take out the machine to copy everything he likes and announce a payment plan similar to Twitter’s.

A few days ago Meta, the owner of Instagram and Facebook announced the verified accounts of both platforms through Meta Verified. The company owned by Mark Zuckerberg wants to obtain a new way of income through the two most popular social networks and with the highest number of monthly active users.

Currently, Facebook has 3,000 million monthly users, close to 40% of the world’s population, while Instagram’s number of monthly users stands at 1,500 million, above TikTok with just over 1,000 million users.

If we take into account a Twitter account that does not exceed 300 million monthly active users, we can give you an idea of ​​the millions that Meta can obtain with this type of account, even though adoption is minimal and is focused on a very limited number of accounts. .

What is Meta Verified?

This verification is focused on companies and public persons in order to distinguish them from pages created by followers who, sometimes, have more followers than the official person or company. Facebook prioritizes this type of account in the search results, standing out above the rest of similar options.

The first and main advantage of verified Facebook pages is that they allow users and the platform to correctly identify when it comes to official pages and which ones try to impersonate the identity.

Instagram verified account

The badge of a verified Instagram account, which has been available for several years, allowed us to prove that it was a real account of a company or person, but it did not have any additional privileges, as we can find in Meta Verified.

How much does it cost

This verification system can only be contracted by accounts that meet a series of requirements, that is, it is not simply paying the monthly fee of $11.99 per month to be able to enjoy these advantages, as initially happened on Twitter when Elon Musk began to offer the verified to anyone who pays 8 dollars a month.


In this way, in order to obtain verification, it is necessary that it be an account of a person, company or official body, facts that we must document in the application. All sections of the account must be filled in correctly and it must be a relatively well-known brand or person who regularly appears in searches.

Paid social networks? No, thanks

Social networks are the easiest and most comfortable way to keep in touch with our friends and family. In addition, it allows us to be informed of what we like the most, without having to visit different web pages. And, that they are free has only contributed to their growth. But, if these become paid, most users would look for other options.

Meta, like Twitter and Snapchat, offer a verification system so that companies that want to continue using these communication channels continue to do so, but adding an additional security filter and avoiding identity theft as announced by Mark Zuckerberg when he announced this system of accounts.

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