What does available in Stock in Mercado Libre mean? How to put stock?


Mercado Libre is one of the largest in terms of buying and selling online, also known throughout Latin America, this online company has become one of the first options to buy and sell for millions of people. It has built a very good reputation by providing its users with a pleasant experience in their trading operations.

In Mercado Libre they take security very seriously, offering good guarantees to both sellers and buyers, this has motivated a large number of people to join, thus making it one of the most popular to buy on this platform, also being able to qualify sellers for purchases made.

Mercado libre offers the opportunity to sell your new or used products, just by publishing them in a simple and fast way. The most important thing as a seller in the free market is to offer your products and guarantee a good experience for customers.

shipping stock after days after purchase in free market

Your reputation depends on the clients, which is classified according to their positive or negative comments, the more positive comments the better your recommendation will be within the site, which will allow you to have more sales in the future.

So it is important that when someone bids on your product, you make sure that they are satisfied with their purchase. There are many ways in which you can attract more buyers to your publications within Mercado Libre, so if you are a seller or want to start selling on this site, pay attention to the following tips.

Recommendations to sell more in Mercado Libre

If you are thinking of selling your new or used products, there is no better place on the internet to offer them than Mercado Libre. Millions of people search daily for a wide variety of items they need on this sales platform. What undoubtedly makes it the ideal ally to promote, sell all your products and services.

Success as a seller in Mercado Libre depends on certain important factors and strategies that you must take into account. As we already mentioned, it is vital to ensure that the products and services offered are of good quality.

Whether they are new or used, you must be very honest when talking about the characteristics of the product or service. It is essential to avoid future complaints from users mainly due to the fact that they did not get what was offered to them.

We also recommend that when publishing you be specific with the payment methods and comply with what was agreed. Once the customer’s offer has been made, make sure to send the order within the period that you have specified. Mercado libre also makes it possible for you as a seller and also for the customer to track the product they send.

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Undoubtedly, for the seller, the most important thing is customer satisfaction, Mercado Libre makes several tools available. These will allow your posts to be as specific as possible. Let us show you one of these and help you use it.

Availability in Stock How to use it?

Stock availability is a very necessary tool that Mercado Libre has included for sellers of new products. This allows them to place next to the publication of the product the time that the customer will wait to receive their product. In fact, it is a requirement demanded by Mercado Libre that sellers make their products available in Stock.

This system offers great advantages to vendors, especially those who are manufacturers or those who work with suppliers. Well, with availability in stock, they will be indicating to customers when the product will be available to be shipped. With this, the buyer becomes aware of the time he must wait for his product once requested.

To place this information, when you are going to publish a new product you must go to the stock availability section, to add it to an already published product go to publications and choose to modify, place the waiting time and that’s it. This option will avoid claims that affect your reputation as a seller, and you will be able to continue working with Mercado Libre as an ally.

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