If you have received a call from the number 954076800, we will quickly tell you not to believe anything they have told you. It is a number that is already classified as a scam and that has been publicly denounced by different users. In the next few lines we will tell you the reasons and what is happening with this particular number that adds to a long list of practically endless complaints.
When, in theory, spam calls should be reducing, we Spaniards are surprised because what is actually happening is the opposite. These threats of risk numbers are increasing and it cannot be said that we do not already have the fly behind our ear. In this case, from the number 954076800 they pretend to be Movistar.
They offer you an improvement in your rate
The hook for which many of the scammers are betting at the moment is making calls posing as your operator to offer you an improvement in the rate. As you can imagine, there is no rate upgrade on the table. The only thing they are trying to do is trick you so that you end up releasing confidential data from your line, as well as personal and bank data with which to scam you through phishing crimes.
As we have been able to verify by investigating, the number 954076800 is not only posing as Movistar agents, but they also change the name of the operator depending on each case. They have minimal information on the numbers they call and may know which is your operator to try to convince you of the scam. That is why you must be very careful.
Different attack strategies
The person on the other end of the line may take different approaches when trying to fool you. They may just offer you a rate upgrade, or they may reinforce their point by saying that they recently sent you an email explaining all the rate upgrades. If you say that you have not received it, they will invent some answer to be able to muddle through and continue with the call trying to hide as much as possible.
Toni Frau
Hello @Movistar @AEPD_es @policia @GDTGuardiaCivil We are receiving calls from 911172839 and 954076800, posing as Movistar operators and offering us to improve our rate. Are you aware?
August 29, 2023 • 2:01 PM
In some cases the scam arrives with the first call you receive, while other times the scammers resort to a more elaborate plan in which they contact you in several cases. With the first call they would sow doubt or the desire to change the operator, while later another voice would call you to offer you something very juicy that would be difficult to resist. It’s all part of the usual modus operandi of these scammers who are multiplying and who don’t seem to give a damn about the Robinson list or the refusals they encounter from most of the people they call.
Of course, you shouldn’t click on any message you receive from them either, as they could lead you to phishing pages where they get hold of your personal data. You always have to be very careful with these types of threats and not get distracted by them, because a small mistake could lead you to suffer serious consequences.
Movistar Spain
@debondeveres_ Hello, Toni, sorry for the delay. We have verified it. These are fraud attempts impersonating Movistar’s identity. If they call you again, do not provide any personal information. If you wish, you can report it -> https://t.co/rDpcIsBamv. Thank you. Elena.
August 29, 2023 • 2:01 PM
The best thing you can do in order to avoid incidents is to block the number in your mobile phone book, either by using specialized applications or using your own phone system. And if in any case you answer a number like 954076800 and find that they are trying to start the scam, remember that it is best to hang up as soon as possible. Arguing with these people or trying to expose them as scammers will only waste time or get them to make distasteful comments.