Windows will automatically update more programs, and they’re coming

Windows will automatically update more programs, and they’re coming

One of the most important elements of the Microsoft operating system is the update function that we carry out through Windows Update. All this despite the fact that many users try to delay the arrival of these updates and patches as long as possible.

But keep in mind that this functionality is not limited to Windows feature or cumulative updates. In addition to those for the operating system, Windows Update offers updates for drivers and other Microsoft products.

For example, here we can mention the programs that are part of the Office suite. However, given what has been seen, it seems that the software giant wants to enhance this tool even more. Basically, this means that from here, little by little we will have the possibility of updating other products. In fact, with the upcoming August 2024 security patch for Windows 10 and 11, the company will begin including security updates for its programming solution, Visual Studio.

In case you don’t know, for a long time we have been able to access the Windows Update settings and select Advanced Options. This allows us to activate the selector that is turned off by default to Receive updates for other Microsoft products when updating Windows. Say that by activating this option, we will automatically receive updates for Office products, until now.

And, as we told you, starting in August we will also receive them for the Visual Studio security patches. Surely many of you already know firsthand that this is one of the main IDEs belonging to Microsoft itself, used all over the world. Due to its widespread acceptance, this is an important step for the application to update automatically on Windows.

More programs will be automatically updated in Windows

Of course, we must keep in mind that, as the company itself assures, these patches for other applications will continue to be optional. The aforementioned Visual Studio will be included here. Basically, that means that if we keep the function mentioned above disabled, they will not arrive on their own.

windows update

If we keep the Windows Update function selector that we mentioned activated, we will not receive automatic updates from other solutions such as Office or Visual Studio. And at the same time everything indicates that the software company intends to continue increasing the capabilities of this tool. In short, it is quite possible that in the future new applications will continue to be integrated here so that they are updated automatically.

At this point here, it is preferable that Microsoft allows us to continue having control over what we want to update automatically or not. In fact, in the future it would not hurt if we could manage the automatic updates of the different software solutions independently. All this regardless of the patches that arrive from the Windows operating system itself.

More so if we take into consideration that, as an example, in the past we have already seen the serious problems triggered by some Visual Studio updates for its users’ projects. Hence, the automation of this process does not convince everyone.

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