YouTube tests a system to improve live chats and other news


The experience offered by YouTube will continue to evolve with new features. Currently, the video platform is testing several features that, if they convince, will make their way to the final version of the tool. One of them is a new system that will allow you to find out what is being talked about in the live chat that YouTubers do.

We love YouTube live shows and we must admit that they have given rise to very epic moments on the part of some communities. But, unfortunately, they are usually chaos. The comments window updates at a devilish speed and it is common for us not to know what the thing is about, especially when we have just connected to the live stream. The latest development on the platform aims to solve this problem.

AI to the rescue

As we indicated, YouTube is testing a new system with which it wants to make chatting a little more bearable. For now it is only testing it with some users or YouTubers and it will depend on the impressions it receives whether it ends up becoming a function that all content creators on the platform have access to. But, from what we have seen, it is a more than interesting idea.

AI is used in its creation and it can be said that it is one of those moments in which artificial intelligence is useful and unintrusive. The operation is simple. When we enter a live session with its chat activated, a message summarizing the conversation appears. This summary is created by the AI ​​and explains to us what is being talked about at that moment.

YouTube AI Chat Summarization System Sample

In the example that is being spread and that you can see in the image captured by Android Central, the AI ​​mentions that the user Rae is deciding whether to use two katanas or just one playing Elden Ring. And then artificial intelligence adds some of the features, advantages and disadvantages that have been discussed in the live chat. Therefore, it is an interesting and valuable proposal, especially considering that the summary message appears and disappears a few seconds later.

Additionally, if we open and close the chat or refresh, the summary appears again, but it is updated with the last thing said in the conversation. Is this a way AI can help? The truth is yes! And in some chats it will come in handy, while in others it is quite likely that the artificial intelligence will end up going crazy over what it has to summarize.

Other news on the way

New features being tested include a QR code channel sharing system. Thus, content creators will be able to create one of these codes and put it on their profile so that users have the opportunity to share it with their friends and make it an easy way to enter the channel directly.

User uses his mobile phone to read a QR code

The QR codes will only appear if we access YouTube with the mobile application and, for now, they are being tested with a very small number of people. Unlike the AI ​​chat summary, it appears that this feature still needs to pass more quality checks before it can be implemented. Finally, the implementation of Google Lens is also being tested to identify products that we see in YouTube videos. The system is similar to the way this tool is used in other applications, so its use would not be much of a mystery.

Following tradition, it is possible that some of these innovations end up being approved or that they disappear and never see the light of day. The Google Lens system, in particular, it must be said that it is only available on the Android operating system, at least for now. We, among everything presented, there is no doubt that we are left with the summaries of the chats. We’d like to see AI take on this challenge!

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