Home Cars & Motorcycles Cars Five simple tricks to consume less electricity in a motorhome

Five simple tricks to consume less electricity in a motorhome


Summer is the favorite time for many to hit the road in their camper or caravan and spend the holidays. However, in the middle of 2022 this means a lot of expenses, both for gasoline and electricity, as is the price of both. Today we bring you 5 simple tricks to consume less electricity in a motorhome.

Every kilowatt counts, so all help is little. And the best thing is that you can apply techniques and habits that are also perfectly valid for when you are at home.

uses solar panels

Your camper/caravan/motorhome has a lot of surface available on the roof, surface that if it is not to load extra packages, is wasted. The best option is to install solar panels, which will be responsible for obtaining free energy throughout the day, which will mean that you do not have to “pull” a generator or battery.

Install efficient appliances

If your motorhome comes with all the furniture and appliances installed, it will not be so easy (especially if they are built-in and/or made to measure), but if you are the one creating your own camper or it is about auxiliary appliances, compare between the different options that you are considering and opt for the one with the lowest consumption.

Thanks to energy efficiency labels it is easy to detect which ones are optimal. The best would be an A++, but it is not always possible, especially depending on the type of device.

Mount LED bulbs

The ambient light in the cabin is something that you will use a lot, especially at night if you are reading or doing any other indoor activity. In line with what was mentioned above, all the bulbs that are likely to be changed, replace them with others that have a better energy rating.

They may be more expensive at the time of purchase (although prices are already equalizing), but with use and the passage of time you will notice a lower cost of electricity and you will end up winning.

Be smart about weatherizing the interior

Both in winter to keep warm and in summer to keep warm, use the air conditioner wisely. Once the passenger compartment has the right temperature, readjust the system so that it only stays on, do not leave any door or window open, causing the cool or heat to be lost, etc.

Basic consumption habits

Just as you would at home, get used to having certain habits that help you save and that, once you have internalized them, they will come out on their own: turn off the lights that you are not using, do not open the fridge if you are not sure what you are going to take, turn off appliances that you are not using instead of letting them go into ‘stand by’ mode, etc.

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