Home Cars & Motorcycles Cars New image of the Renault Espace, will it be an SUV, a...

New image of the Renault Espace, will it be an SUV, a minivan or a crossover?


The French brand has revealed the first images of the new Renault Espace, although its official debut will not take place until spring.

Renault is preparing to present a new generation of one of its most emblematic models. For now, the French brand leaves us with honey on our lips, showing us some images of the new Renault Espace. Will it be an SUV, a minivan or a crossover?

Back in 1984, the Renault Espace was commissioned to inaugurate a segment that had not existed in Europe until then, that of minivans. After reaping great sales success, it has gone into the background in recent years, due to the decline of this segment, caused by the rise of SUVs.

When Renault presented the current generation in 2015, it already gave it a certain crossover aspect to adapt to the new times. Now the sixth generation has arrived and everything suggests that it will sport a design that is even closer to a large SUV.

New image of the Renault Espace, will it be an SUV, a minivan or a crossover?

New image of the Renault Espace

After making the name of Espace official, Renault has unveiled the silhouette of its future large 5 and 7-seater SUV. At the moment, it is a teaser in which we can imagine the new aspect that the French model will have, making a game of light and shadow.

From what little we can see, the new Espace 2023 will have an athletic design, with very marked shoulders, reminiscent of the Renault Austral. In side view, the glass surface is stretched most towards the rear, contributing to the vehicle’s slim appearance. The rear spoiler subtly energizes the rear of the vehicle.

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New image of the Renault Espace

As the current market demands, the sixth generation of the new Renault will have contained dimensions to better respond to current requirements. With a length 14 centimeters shorter, it will offer longitudinal space of 2.48 meters up to the third row, a level slightly higher than that of the current Espace.

Regardless of the type of body that it adopts, the Renault Espace 2023 will retain the DNA that has always characterized it, that is, being able to accommodate up to 7 passengers for long journeys in complete comfort. The official debut will take place next spring.

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