The best methods to refresh your body in summer


Forecasts indicate that this is going to be one of the hottest summers on record. The thermometers continue to rise in an exaggerated way and there will be days when we will have a really bad time. That is why it is important that you know the best ways in which you can refresh yourself beyond the classic ones. Keep reading and we’ll tell you what science recommends for you to cool off effectively.

Cooling off in the summer will not only help you feel better, but it will also keep you from putting yourself at risk of health problems. That is why we have turned to science in order to see what are the recommendations given by specialists, those who best understand how the human body works. This is what we have discovered.

shower with lukewarm water

Have scientists gone mad? Why are they going to recommend that we take a shower with warm water when what feels best is totally icy water? Very simple, because, in reality, if you are taking a shower with very cold water due to the heat, you are making a mistake. What you do when you cool the body so suddenly is tell your body that it has to fight this drastic change, for which what it does is deactivate the natural cooling methods that it was using and act in the opposite way. So even though you’ll feel good and nice in the shower, when you get out of it you’ll find that you’re even hotter than you were before you took the bath.

The same is true if you use the wet towel trick. This is something we do many times in the gym. We put the wet towel on the back of the neck to cool our whole body. The theory is good, but we always think that, even using the towel, we are hot. The truth is that there is a good reason, because right in that part of the neck is one of the connections with the brain that deals with temperature regulation. So what we’re doing is causing complete chaos in our body because we’re making it feel really cold, like it’s winter.

Instead, take a warm shower and you’ll feel better, helping your body cool down the way it’s meant to cool down: little by little.

Soak hands or feet

Contrary to what we have explained to you before, there is a case in which it is convenient that you use cold water. This is the moment when you soak the soles of your feet or the palms of your hands. The reason for this is that in these parts of the body is the secret of your body to enjoy a more effective and faster cooling process.

Thus, the system that your body uses to release heat and feel cooler is located exactly in these areas of the body, so you have to focus on them. This is also the reason why there are athletes who use special gloves that help them cool down their entire body in record time. Therefore, the next time you are hot, put the palms of your hands in cold water or the soles of your feet if you have the opportunity. You will notice much improvement.

eat certain foods

There are some things you may have in the fridge that will help you feel better in the hottest times. For example, it is recommended that you freeze some fruits, such as blackberries or pieces of melon or mango. It will be easy for you to eat them once you take them out of the freezer and they will give you very pleasant sensations that will make you feel less hot.

Of course, don’t forget to stay hydrated, and you can also resort to refreshing drinks, such as juices or milk, although the best thing ends up being that you choose to prepare a smoothie that has a little of everything. Remember that sometimes the simplest can be the best. Therefore, if you have ice creams, even those that you prepare in the freezer at home, it will be a good resource to turn to.

Another option, although this one will surprise you, is to eat spicy food. Because? Because it will make you sweat. What would be sought in this case is that you sweat and then that sweat cools down so that your body can reduce its temperature. However, this does not work for everyone, as there are many people who can eat as much spicy food as they want and not break a sweat. Provoking sweat will be a good long-term remedy, much more than eating ice cream will provide.

block light access

For a few hours, it would be recommended that you close the windows, lower the blinds and leave your house without contact with outside light. The midday heat, in particular, is what can cause your body temperature to rise the most drastically. First the house will heat up and in parallel so will you. Think that the walls are heated by constant exposure to the sun and that this heat does not disappear in a matter of minutes even when the sun has gone down or the temperature has dropped. That is why you have to try to keep your house protected from the sun’s rays in those most complicated hours.

other tips

If you have the chance and you’re out on the streets for whatever reason, it’s not a bad idea to lie down on the grass and relax a bit. Better in the shade, of course. The important thing is that you are as far away from the sun as possible and that means that by lying on the ground you will put more distance in between. Therefore, lie down on the grass or put a towel and place yourself on top.

However, there are many other options that you can use and surely you know of one that we have not mentioned. Remember, for example, that a good trick for day to day is to put your beauty products in the fridge so that when you apply them to your skin they will give you a very pleasant effect. By applying these ideas, we hope your summer will be a little more bearable, good luck!

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