AI Reveals The Best Comics Ever


All comics fans are aware of how difficult it can be to decide on a new story to start reading. It is not for nothing that there are millions of comics and, in general, what we usually do is move within our comfort zone. However, the AI ​​wants us to get out of it a bit and read different things. To do this, he tells us which are the best comics in history.

If you are looking for a fresh recommendation on which comics to read, the one on artificial intelligence is one that does not go unnoticed. As you probably already know, AIs do everything, whether it’s retouching or coloring photos, giving answers, generating fake faces, or teaching you something new. We have obtained their recommendations on comics after a long chat with ChatGPT of which we will tell you everything in the following lines.

We are going to do two experiments

The world of comics is extremely wide. As we said, there are millions of comics and it would be very difficult to include them all in the same group. For this reason, we have carried out two different experiments with AI to determine which is the best comic in the world and, in parallel, also discover which is the Spanish comic that you like the most.

What we have found is that artificial intelligence is very specific to superhero comics. Thus, instead of telling you that Superman is the best comic, what he does in his answers is give you titles of specific series. That helps, and a lot, to take into account their assessments.

Best Spanish comic

We have to admit that in the list of the best Spanish comics according to the AI ​​we expected to find some Superlópez title. Mortadelo and Filemón or something similar. But the likes of artificial intelligence seem to be a bit more “refined.” The initial top 10 that he has made with the results of the best Spanish comics is the following that you can see in the image.

After that we have asked him to keep only five of those titles and his selection has been the following: Blacksad, El Eternauta, Los surcos del azar, Wrinkles and Las meninas. He had previously included El Incal in the list, but we have explained to him that, even though it is in Spanish, it does not mean that it is a Spanish comic. After all, Alejandro Jodorowsky is Chilean, not Spanish.

Next, in order not to create more tension, we have asked him to choose what he considers to be the best Spanish comic from the list he has made. His final choice has been Blacksad, arguing that he values ​​both the story and the comic drawings very positively. It began to be published in the year 2000 and has obtained a high level of popularity both among critics and readers.

best comic in the world

This is where the juiciest part of this long conversation we’ve had with the AI ​​is, as we’ve talked to it to find out exactly what is the best comic in the world and in history. Now ChatGPT has indeed combined comics from all kinds of authors, mixing styles and origins so that there is no doubt that we have reached a definitive answer.

His top 10, to begin with, it must be said that it is made up of these comics: Watchmen, Sandman, Batman: Year One, The Dark Knight Returns, Astro City, Maus, Spider-Man: The Night Gwen Stacy Died, Calvin and Hobbes, Akira and Blankets. When we ask him to keep only five of them, what do you think his response has been? Perhaps you are going to miss one of your favorite comics, because there is no doubt that this list has authentic essentials, but your choice is the following: Maus by Art Spiegelman, Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, Sandman by Neil Gaiman, The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller and Astro City by Kurt Busiek and Alex Ross.

As you already know if you’ve seen our other studies, the lists provided by the AI ​​are not in order from best to worst. We remind you so that you take it into account, although you will have already seen it if you have been looking at the different captures that we publish. At this point, what we ask is that you stay with only three of the five finalists, which leads us to opt for Maus, Watchmen and Sandman (it seems, however, that this time the position of the top is coinciding with AI preferences). With that, all that remains is to ask the definitive question and find out which is the best comic of all time. You can see it in the following image:

It is not a surprise to discover that the victory goes to Maus, a comic that has impacted the industry and millions of readers since its publication in 1980. The AI ​​highlights how moving it is and the powerful way in which the story is told , dealing with a sensitive subject in a way that has won him a host of awards. Historically, and not just because the AI ​​says so, it’s one of the most recommended comics to read.

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