An important torrent website that operated on Telegram and had more than 100,000 subscribers was destroyed


Anti-piracy organizations continue to employ various strategies with the main objective of completely eradicating the illicit practice of transmitting copyrighted audiovisual content. Over time, numerous websites have been uncovered that are dedicated to smuggling licensed content, operating globally and sustaining themselves thanks to the profits they receive. In the case at hand, one of the largest torrent websites has fallen.

Nowadays, just by entering the Internet and writing the movie or series we want to see, we have thousands of links at our disposal that offer pirated content. Even though the authorities intervene to try to eradicate web pages that are dedicated to offering the consumption of non-legitimate downloads, new portals continue to appear to do their thing. And not only that, there is also the risk of providing personal data that is exposed to being manipulated for lucrative purposes. However, one of the most important in the world, based in Bangkok, has already been dismantled and its members detained.

Thailand, piracy paradise

One of the places where pirate content is consumed the most is Thailand. It is precisely in its capital, Bangkok, where police raids have taken place to put an end to the largest torrent trafficking network in the country. Thus, the Economic Crimes Department (ECD) of the Royal Thai Police, accompanied by the Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment (ACE), have joined forces to eliminate the website from the map, which had a average of 5.5 million monthly visits.

Consequently, this fraudulent entertainment space operated through a Telegram account that had more than 18,600 members, and provided access to a large repertoire of Hollywood, international and Thai films.

The operation has taken place in four locations in Bangkok, Surin province and Surat Thani. Four Thai citizens have been detained there and it is expected that in a few days the trial will be held so that they will be accused of crimes against copyright.

ACE piracy torrents website

More than 100,000 subscribers

This portal has been active since 2005, constantly changing its domain to avoid being detected by the region’s security forces. According to the Thai police report, profited from its acts of vandalism through the subscription of 100,000 members, obtaining profits of around $41,000 per month.

After this successfully carried out operation, the ACE has congratulated the ECD’s actions for preventing this type of illegal actions from continuing to be carried out. Jan van Voorn, director of the ACE, stressed that “ECD action helps protect the livelihoods of Thai and international creators and distributors, and helps protect consumers from such malware.”

For his part, Suebsiri Taweepon, president of the Intellectual Property Association of Thailand (IPAT), praised the work of the ECD and ACE and added: “Piracy sites like Siambit undermine local and international investment in the content sector. our country, reduce tax contributions to the government and stifle creativity.

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