Bizum wouldn’t let me send money: these are the main reasons


With the passage of time, little by little we are leaving aside cash and increasingly using the different digital payment platforms available. A clear example of all this can be found in the popular Bizum that surely many of you use from your mobile.

This is an instant payment platform that was originally launched to send small amounts of money directly between mobile phones. But largely thanks to its enormous acceptance, little by little it has been extended even to business and commercial use. Hence, at this moment we can send money directly to our friends and family or even make payments in stores and supermarkets. One of the main advantages that this offers us is the ease of use that it offers us from the mobile, and its immediacy when sending and receiving money.

In addition, at this time most banks already offer us this function from their official mobile application. Keep in mind that Bizum is associated with our mobile phone number. However, on certain occasions it may be the case that we try to send money through this platform and it does not work.

There are several reasons why this circumstance can occur, which can sometimes become a real nuisance. Next, we are going to review some of the most common so that you can identify them as soon as possible.

bizum santander

We have no balance in the account

Despite the fact that Bizum is associated with our mobile number, it requires a bank account from which to extract the money. Basically, this means that, if we do not have a balance in it, we will not be able to send cash digitally, so the platform will return an operating error.

service is down

We must bear in mind that this entire process of sending and receiving money is carried out through the Internet. This means that we are dealing with an online service that depends on maintenance and servers. Therefore, in the event that the service has some kind of problem, this will affect us directly and will not allow us to use the money transfer in this way, at least temporarily.

To benefit from the Bizum functions again, we will only have to wait for the service to be restored and to be operational again.

We have exceeded the Bizum limit

If we use this payment platform on a regular basis, we must take into account that it has several established limits that we cannot exceed. Otherwise we will not be able to make payments through this system. Among the limits that we are talking about, we must take into account that we cannot exceed 1,000 euros per operation, send more than 2,000 in the same day per client, or more than 5,000 euros in the same month. At the same time, we cannot carry out more than 60 monthly operations with the same user.

The destination mobile is invalid

Generally, when we are going to make a shipment using this system that we are talking about, we can choose the mobile number from our phonebook or enter it manually. But it may be the case that the receiver is not subscribed to this payment platform, so we will not be able to send the money and we will find an error.

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