Constant harassment by call: Who is the number 902733971?


The calls from 902733971 seem to have a main motive: to scam you. Many users warn of this dangerous phone that calls at any time and insistently. Who is he and what does he want from you?

Answering any call can be expensive, and in this case more. Receiving calls from this number can make you doubt its veracity. Are you waiting for an important call? Do you think your electricity company could contact a 902? Despite the intrigue, this 902733971 could become a nightmare if you answer.

They try to collect a debt

There are not a few users who alert that they have received emails after not answering the calls on 902733971. The matter is the same: the collection of a debt from Endesa or Iberdrola.

“Dear Sir,
We have received in our Legal Office the necessary documentation to manage the recovery of the debt contracted by you with our client IBERDROLA.
Please contact us by phone 930400186 to find the best way to resolve this incident. If you want one of our managers to contact you, please reply to this email providing us with a telephone number.
Please note that the management of your file cannot be done by email.
Legal Corporation«

If they call us from this number and we are Endesa customers, we may think it is a legitimate call. However, it will suffice to contact the official number of the company to ask about our electricity payments. If we are sure that we have no debts and Endesa ratifies it, there will be no doubt that it is a scam.

Another of the tactics of this number is the sending of SMS with the subject of “Outstanding Debt”. To obtain more information, you will have to call 902733971, assuming the special rate costs that numbers that start with 902 have. Whatever the method of contact, it is a fraud that is hidden behind a false company called Corporación Legal.

spam calls

Prefixes 902 with cost

It is disconcerting to receive calls from a number you do not know, especially if it starts with 902. This type of telephone usually has a special rate if the call is returned, so it is not advisable to contact if we have doubts about who it is. These types of numbers usually have a free alternative that begins with 900. However, as it is a fraud, we will not find any other telephone number related to 902733971.

Also, you should keep in mind that if you answer the call, you will pay in full, even if you are not the caller. There will be no rate that includes the price in the minutes, so at the end of the month you will see a bump on your bill.

Once you know that it is a phone that makes fraudulent calls, you will have to protect yourself. Surely, being on the Robinson List will not help you at all. Being a number that is used to deceive, it does not abide by legalities of this type. Therefore, the only option is to lock the phone. If they continue to call from other numbers, you can notify your operator to investigate the source.

Also, if you have been scammed, do not hesitate to tell the police what happened. You may not be the first and only person who has been harassed by 902733971, so it is best to record it.

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