Get Amazon Kindle Unlimited for free to read this summer

Get Amazon Kindle Unlimited for free to read this summer

While many are already on holiday right now, others are eager to start. The leisure time we enjoy in summer can be very varied, and reading plays a fundamental role for millions.

The growth of e-books in this sense has become increasingly important over the last few years. In fact, it is more than likely that many of you have an Amazon Kindle reading device. It is perhaps one of the most well-known and widely used hardware products in the sector globally.

That is precisely why you should take advantage of the extensive catalogue of the aforementioned e-commerce giant to purchase titles and read them directly on this device. The bad thing about all this is that on many occasions we will be forced to pay. But if you are an avid consumer of books, we will give you access to a huge number of titles to enjoy this summer, and without paying a single euro. All thanks to the offer that the aforementioned giant, Amazon, has just offered us through its Kindle Unlimited service.

It is more than likely that many of you are interested to know that we have the opportunity to enjoy 3 months of this service, free of charge. At first, the only thing we need is our own subscription to Amazon Prime. At that moment we will have access to its millions of e-books and magazines without paying for the period of time mentioned. Below we will show you how to achieve this and the requirements you must meet.

Kindle Unlimited for free, how to subscribe

As we have mentioned before, in order to enjoy these 3 months of free e-books, it is essential that we are subscribers to the Amazon Prime service. From here we will only have to access the offer website through this same link.

Kindle Unlimited for free

At this point, all we have to do is click on the button that says Try for free to start the 3-month free period established. What we should know is that after this period of time, the usual cost of Kindle Unlimited will automatically be charged, which is 9.99 euros. But at this point, you will also be interested to know that you have the possibility of canceling this subscription at any time, even before the trial period ends.

This is an offer that the e-commerce giant is currently offering us and that will be available until July 17, 2024. We must also keep in mind that once the offer has ended, if we have not canceled the Kindle Unlimited subscription, the charge will be made to the Amazon Prime account or card associated with it.

So there is no doubt that this is an excellent opportunity for book lovers who want to choose from a huge number of e-books this summer holiday, all at no cost. Magazines are also included in the above-mentioned subscription, which is a very interesting addition.

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