I didn’t know there was such a useful government app to help you choose a career

I didn’t know there was such a useful government app to help you choose a career

The Public Administration has been moving parts of its structure to the mobile environment for some time, through smartphone applications that can be used on Android and iOS and make some procedures and queries easier for the user. Although the ‘Mi Carpeta Ciudadana’ apps, the Cl@ve app or even the AEAT app are better known, many will not be familiar with this other app launched in 2023 and which is a mandatory resource for all young students who are still considering which university degree to choose.

It’s called ‘QEDU’, which stands for ‘What to Study and Where at University’, and it turns out to be an app that’s too useful for 17- and 18-year-olds who have just taken the Selectividad exams to not know about, as well as for anyone considering resuming their academic career. Certainly, this app is a way to easily check, without having to use third-party websites or rack your brains, which university degrees are taught in Spain and to find out extensive information about them; from the cut-off mark to the university where they are taught, including the inclusion of a foreign language or differentiating between face-to-face or blended learning.

And although it may seem like the most obvious level, simply knowing the full range of university training on offer, both public and private, is not as easy as it seems. We all know the more traditional degrees that are taught in practically all universities, but there are dozens of more specific degrees that are only offered at specific universities. This is where the app’s search engine will be of great help, with accurate and up-to-date information on the entire national training offer and which allows you to search by areas of interest (Engineering, Arts, Humanities…) to be aware of degrees that you may not have known about.

QEDU app screenshots

QEDU is a quick way to see which degrees you are interested in are available at universities in your city or nearby. But not only that, you can see which master’s degrees related to your specialty are available in Spain, as well as the offer of doctorates. You can search by keyword or field, and find the double degree that best suits your interests, as well as find out its cut-off mark or even job placement rate (although this last information is not available for all degrees).

A great tool for the undecided

It is an essential app for those who are not yet 100% sure about what they want to study, but also for those who have already decided to check whether they are not missing out on any good options. Although there are still courses without all the added data, judging by its interface, the app intends to become a large repository of information that allows you to make a conscious and thoughtful academic decision. For example, for some degrees it will offer the number of places, the membership rate, the number of credits, the price of the credit, or even the average grade.


It will also explain the differences between own and affiliated centres, and will allow you to know the probable performance of each degree according to the student profile, or their average performance. It also shows you the access routes available for the degree, which can be high school or vocational training, for example. This is a good initiative that should improve the precision with which young Spaniards decide what to invest in for their future. You can download it at Android either iOS from those links.

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