Google updates Chrome: improves navigation and offers personalized data in searches


The search giant has just launched a major update for one of its flagship products, the Google browser. In this case, it has focused on improving the user experience and navigation with some interesting functions that we will describe below.

The first thing we must take into consideration is that in this specific case Google has updated its Chrome browser for mobile devices. This is something that reaches those terminals based on both Android and iOS systems. Many complain that using a browser and browsing the Internet from mobile phones is not always comfortable or efficient.

This is something that the company wants to gradually correct in its project, which is also the most widely used in the world, by far. These updates focus on making navigation and interaction within the browser itself more efficient and personalized.

Hence, below we are going to show you some of the main new features that come to this recent update of Chrome for Android and iOS. Additionally, it is worth knowing that these features are already available for the stable version of the application.

What’s new in this Chrome for mobile update

On other occasions we have found that the search giant focuses on adding privacy and security features to this program. However, as we told you, in this case it wanted to focus on the user experience.

chrome bar

  • Google is improving the feature called Chrome Actions. Basically, this is a tool that is responsible for helping users interact more fluidly with local businesses. All of this through search results when using Chrome. Now, when searching for a local business, shortcut buttons to call or get directions appear prominently. This is a feature that is already available on Android and is scheduled to arrive on iOS later this fall.
  • Especially suited for tablets, Google has redesigned the address bar in Chrome to make better use of the larger screens of this type of mobile device. The new design is in line with Google’s Material You design language. It allows the web page to remain visible below the address bar to facilitate navigation at all times.
  • Custom shortcut suggestions arrive in the address bar. This is something that is extensible for both Android and iOS and is a function that helps users quickly access the most visited websites. Suggestions appear in the form of shortcuts based on previously entered keywords.
  • For iOS users, Chrome now offers trending search suggestions. These appear below recent searches in the New Tab address bar. This is a feature that was already available on Android.
  • Thanks to the Discover Feed feature in Chrome on the New Tab page, live sports information is now available. This allows users to receive real-time updates on the matches of the teams they follow.

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