How to buy or pay in Mercado Libre for months without interest with a debit card

How to buy or pay in Mercado Libre for months without interest with a debit card

Mercado Libre is one of the largest e-commerce companies in Latin America at the moment. Its simplicity of use, speed of transactions and ease of finding any product, make it a platform with a very attractive market.

It is a website that allows purchases and sales between individuals or legal entities, and contributes to the economy. It has promotional plans that encourage business; One of them is purchases for months without interest. If you want to know what it’s about, keep reading.

What are monthly purchases without interest in Mercado Libre?

In this world of electronic commerce, online sales and purchases, there is a large flow of money that not only benefits individuals but also companies that offer their services and products through it. It is a very powerful trading tool.

Currently there are thousands of companies that, through online platforms, establish the promotion of their stores virtually, so there is a lot of competition.

However, you have to be very careful with all these forms of commerce and learn enough to know if an online website is safe to buy.

Mercado Libre is an international company with this type of trade and, due to its age and efficiency, it is considered one of the best. Buying on Mercado Libre is a simple method and does not imply extensive knowledge of the platform to make a sale or purchase.

pay free market to months without interest with card

It has managed to maintain its peak for more than 20 years, and is now the medium used by thousands of companies and millions of users throughout the Latin American continent. And this thanks to its promotions such as “months without interest”, which is a way to buy with credit, financed by Mercado Libre, the acquisition of a product or service.

Is it possible to buy or pay in Mercado Libre for months without interest with a debit card?

The months without interest in Mercado Libre is a type of financial tool that makes it easier for buyers to obtain a product, through purchases with cards accepted on its page, with the ease of future payment or cancellation.

In other words, it is a loan that is made to a user so that he can make his purchase, and the payment will be canceled months later, without the interest condition, as happens with financial institutions.

This is very attractive for customers, since they do not have to go through the late banking procedures to obtain money and pay their bills, nor do they have to have a credit score or a high credit score that banks demand so much.

You only need a previous financial tool, such as a credit card, to join it and make the payments, which will be without interest.

However, possible credit card debt remains. This is where the issue of not paying interest comes in, and this mechanism can be done from a debit card, only you have to know which one is accepted and which one is not.

How to buy or pay monthly without interest in Mercado Libre?

Now, remembering the advantages of this promotion in Mercado Libre is that you should not be requesting a loan, and still make the purchase you need.

In addition, you do not have to worry about increasing the credit score or credit history that they ask for as a requirement in the granting of a bank loan.

buy without interest with debit card by free market

Buying a product with the interest-free months tool is possible with the most popular credit cards, such as American Express, VISA, Mastercard and other banking platforms. But there is another way to apply this type of purchase with your own available balance and not credit.

In Mercado Libre there are two forms of payment, among many others: Mercado Pago Card and Mercado Libre Invex Cards, which can be loaded with your own balance and make the purchase as if it were a credit card.

These cards, mentioned in the previous paragraph, as they belong to the set of products offered by the commercial platform in question, are allowed for purchases of months without interest. In this way then you can acquire the product you want and it is in Mercado Libre, without paying interest.

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