How to fix my iPhone if there is no sound from the speaker

How to fix my iPhone if there is no sound from the speaker

Unfortunately for us, electronic devices cannot last a lifetime and the inexorable passage of time and the use we make of them can take their toll on them. In the case of Apple iPhones, it may happen that the speaker stops working correctly and we do not know how to proceed to solve this problem. In this sense, we want to teach you in this article, how to fix my iPhone if the sound of the speaker is not heard.

man sound speaker

This may be a problem that does not require going to the technical service, since the solution can be applied by yourself, without having to have theoretical or practical knowledge on the matter. Well, there are problems that affect the speaker that are very easy to repair. And then we will indicate the steps you must take to repair the speaker.

Remember that these devices work with sensors and electronic contacts and dirt and dust can affect them in some way. But before continuing with the article it is important that you know more about this interesting topic.

The sound of these devices can present different setbacks that you can solve yourself. You could check this when your iPhone is not heard when you are called and it is only possible with the speaker.

How to fix my iPhone if there is no sound from the speaker

As we mentioned before, it is important that you keep your mobile away from dust and dirt, since these can be factors that do not allow your speaker to work properly. And this usually happens in devices that are already a certain age and the accumulation of dust can be present in places such as the speaker or the audio jack.

Believe it or not, this accumulation of dirt does not allow the earpiece in the iPhone to work normally, causing the speaker to block. For this reason it is important to do general maintenance to your mobile to avoid the accumulation of dust. It can even cause false contacts in the earphone port and that is why it is important to properly clean your mobile.

When this happens, the iPhone will assume that the headphones are connected and in this way the speaker will be canceled and therefore it will not be possible to hear sounds through it. Then you can apply a simple procedure that will prevent this from happening and for this you must do the following.

Steps to fix my iPhone if there is no sound from the speaker

First of all, whenever you carry out any procedure of this type or when you proceed to clean it, you must turn off the mobile. The next step is to find a very useful tool for this and it is a metal clip or a wooden stick. Now we will move on to the next step which consists of inserting the tool through the iPhone’s audio connector.

When doing so, you must move it very gently, trying to remove the accumulation of dirt that is inside. But always remember to be very careful not to damage the inside of the connector, so you must make gentle movements. And voila, by cleaning this area very well, the speaker should work without any problem.

Even if you don’t have a tool to insert into the audio jack, you can use the same headphone jack. And you are going to introduce it several times, until the obstruction of dirt that existed in the connector is removed. But then in the same way you must introduce something to remove the dirt that has gone to the bottom.

woman calling loudspeaker

Now if your iPhone is one of the newer versions, it will not have the audio connector and in these cases you must clean the Lightning connector. And you will see that this problem is solved quickly. You should bear in mind that if you are one of the people who likes to keep your mobile in the pockets of your pants, the accumulation of dirt accelerates considerably.

Thus in this way we have reached the happy end of this interesting and practical tutorial that offered you useful tools to solve this problem. Although it is also possible that you have problems with the speaker below your mobile and then it is necessary that you use other actions to repair it.

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