How to know if my iPhone phone is locked by IMEI or iCloud on Apple?

How to know if my iPhone phone is locked by IMEI or iCloud on Apple?

If you are interested in purchasing a second-hand Apple phone, you will need to check if the iPhone is locked through various means that the operating system has enabled for its users.

The company’s products with the bitten apple symbol are in high demand worldwide. However, when buying or acquiring a used or second-hand mobile device, we must make sure that everything is in order and that it is not of dubious origin. That is why in this tutorial you will be able to see in an easy and simple way how to know if your iPhone is locked by IMEI or iCloud before buying it.

Find out if iPhone device is locked via iCloud

Activation Lock is a benefit that Apple has created to protect devices in case their user has lost them.

Whether you want to check the cell phone model you intend to purchase or you prefer to confirm the type of information provided by the seller, everything can be achieved through the IMEI code.

To start this application you can enter the official page of the Apple company, whose start has the “Support” option in the upper bar.

Find out if iPhone device is locked via iCloud

Since this company has different types of devices on the market, you will select the “iPhone” option to verify the code provided by the seller.

Once entered into “Repair Options”, select “Repairs and Physical Damage” to process a diagnostic request, also entering an excuse as the reason for repair.

As you finish entering the requirements, you will be prompted to enter the ID registered on the phone and the IMEI code it has.

If for some reason after you enter the serial number a message is displayed stating that the repair cannot be carried out, it is clearly because the device is blocked.

Use IMEI code to check if iPhone is locked!

The phone’s registration number, which is also known as the IMEI code, is an indispensable tool for device users.

When a person decides to block the cell phone through this sequence of numbers, it is the telecommunications operator who is in charge of processing the request.

There are different pages that will allow you to verify the code provided by the seller. A very useful example is Unlock iPhone IMEI.

Use the IMEI code to check if the iPhone is locked

This is a paid method that takes care of sending a report to the applicant, accompanied by the specific information of the device and if it is blocked by the owner.

If you want to use this platform, you can start by filling in the data requested by the form within the page. In addition, it will be accompanied by the different payment alternatives and the prices referred to specific services.

Once this part has been completed, you will proceed to enter the IMEI code and the email to which you want the report to be sent.

After completing these steps and inserting the payment method you want to use, you can click on the “Place the order” button that is visible on the screen.

Depending on the type of information requested, the report can take from 5 minutes to 6 hours, allowing them to find the data that the content of the file merits.

In the event that the device is blocked by the current owner of the iPhone, this type of investment will allow you to ensure that you do not acquire the equipment. In this way you will avoid losing money and uncomfortable situations in the future.

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