If you don’t want Google to sell your data, try this new search engine NOW

If you don’t want Google to sell your data, try this new search engine NOW

Visiting all kinds of pages and platforms on the Internet is more the order of the day than ever. However, everything related to security and privacy is also becoming increasingly important, for example, when carrying out our searches.

On most occasions we use the website of the giant Google to carry out our personal online searches. However, over time, many users have begun to consider other options. One of the main reasons for all this is the monitoring and storage of personal data that this company does. In fact, it tends to sell a good part of our data in order to do business based on the use of its services and platforms.

Obviously this is something that includes the search engine that surely many of you have established as home in your browser. But those who want to take maximum care of their privacy are determined to look for other similar alternatives. These can be very effective when searching the vast world of the Internet, but much more secure and private.

Companies increasingly collect a greater amount of data from their customers, information that is sometimes used for their own economic benefit. How could it be otherwise, this is something that arouses great concern among all those who want to take care of their privacy. Hence, below we are going to talk about a powerful search engine that you can try now and that you will surely love.

Try Tempest, the browser that takes care of your data

Therefore, if you are one of those who wants to keep your data safe while browsing and searching, we recommend you take a look at Tempest. The first thing we must take into consideration is that the company behind it has as its main objective to safeguard online privacy. Hence precisely its recent launch in the form of a search engine. All this with the aim of returning control over their privacy to Internet users.

In addition, this launch is now especially timely due to the enormous growth that AI-based platforms are experiencing lately. It goes without saying that one of the biggest concerns on the part of users is the collection of data that more and more companies do, regardless of what they do with it later. Well, the company behind this new search engine has been with us for years and wants to focus on everything related to privacy.

tempest seeker

We must also take into account that they have just launched their own browser in parallel, which we can download from the search engine’s own page. To give you an idea, here we find a search engine that aims to eliminate the tracking done by others like Google. Also, it does not store data such as history or tracking for advertising purposes. Tempest promises to deliver unbiased results and wants to end speculation with its customers’ data.

Basically this means that it neither stores nor sells user data to third parties. As proof of all this, the company provides us with the so-called Privacy Report. Here he exposes how websites treat our privacy so that we are informed at all times in this regard.

We will be able to prevent personalized ads based on search history, and each of them is impartial in terms of their results. For all these reasons, this can become an excellent alternative to the usual Google search engine.

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