Is it better to program on Windows, or on Linux?


At this time, many users want to delve into or broaden their knowledge of everything related to programming their software projects. But many aspects must be taken into account to start off on the right foot, for example, the operating system that we are going to opt for on our computer.

In desktop computers, the most used and widespread system by far throughout the world is Microsoft’s Windows. But with everything and with it there are many users who also opt for using an open source system in the form of a Linux distribution. We can find certain distros especially indicated for a specific use. In addition, it is an open source software and in most cases free that is considered an excellent alternative to the aforementioned Windows.

Hence the doubts that possibly enter all those who enter the exciting sector of development and programming. You might ask which is better, programming on a Windows-based PC, or on a Linux-based one. At this point, the truth is that we can say that both platforms offer us some advantages and disadvantages for these tasks. It is precisely all of this that we want to talk about below so that you can decide which is your most interesting option.

Over the years, many professionals in the sector prefer to program in Linux for various reasons. However, we must also bear in mind that the vast majority of current desktop computers use Windows as their operating system, and it is also easier to use. As we say, there are as many advantages as disadvantages in each of the two options that will make us opt for one or the other.

What to choose to program, a PC with Windows or Linux

Next, we will talk about some of the points that should be taken into account when choosing one platform or another for these software development jobs. But as we will see, in most cases Linux will present itself as a more suitable option for these tasks than the Microsoft system.

Program in IDE

  • Security: Despite its lower market penetration, there is no doubt that Linux is a much more secure operating system than Windows in general terms. The reason for this is that the existence of malicious code for this open source software is much less. In fact, this is one of the main reasons why many developers prefer this environment for programming.

  • The price of the system: Another favorable point that we must take into account here is that Linux is a free open source system. Quite the opposite of what happens with Microsoft software for which we will have to pay a compulsory license for its use.

  • The available development programs: Linux in turn offers us a good number of tools and programs specially designed for development and programming. This is something that also attracts a lot of attention from those who want to program their homes and are looking for the necessary software. On the contrary, Microsoft also has some interesting development solutions that we can use on Windows.

  • Resources needed on the PC: it is also important to know that the hardware resources available on the PC are less in Linux on Windows. This allows us to use older equipment for these programming tasks and work with complex tools without the need for a state-of-the-art computer.

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