Is my life in danger? How to react if the ES-Alert notification sounds on your mobile


If you have heard a continuous beep coming from your mobile, stay calm. This is the Emergency Alert Service that has been established in Spain under the name of ES-Alert. Although hearing the beep outside of a testing period can mean that there is danger, it is recommended that you make sure to follow the instructions you receive and prioritize safety above all. Read on to find out everything you need to know about this system that could save many lives.

The authorities recommend calm, and we insist on it because acting without panicking can be the thing that helps you get out of a dangerous situation. The ES-Alert alert system has been introduced as a support to alert all citizens nationally or regionally when any type of risk is detected. The tests are already being carried out in many cities with the intention of making citizens aware in case something really bad happens.

Objective: save lives

The alerts are regional, so you may be surprised to learn that Civil Protection has already used the notification on at least one occasion. It was when a part of the Guadalajara-Madrid gas pipeline broke and the authorities saw fit to alert the citizens who were in the area so that they knew the risk that existed due to a gas leak. It was the first time that it was used in a real context and it was used to inform users about how vehicle traffic had been suspended and the area cordoned off.

The system worked and two hours after the notification was received, an update was sent with the intention of informing that everything had been resolved. However, it is essential not to downplay this alert system thinking that it was “simply” a gas leak. Although Spain is an area that is lucky not to suffer natural catastrophes, it should not be trusted. In the last year, more than 12,000 earthquakes have been registered in the country, although their magnitude is normally small. Of this number, only 49 earthquakes were of magnitude 4, although it cannot be forgotten that in 1954 an earthquake of magnitude 7.0 was recorded. It is for this type of situation that there is an alert system like this one.

What does it consist of?

When Civil Protection makes the necessary checks and ensures the risk, it issues the alert that reaches all mobile devices that are connected to the antennas in the area where the notice has been sent. This can be from a city, a neighborhood or even the entire country depending on the type of risk we are talking about. Instantly, citizens receive a message on their screen informing them of what is happening and accompanied by a constant emergency sound intended for you to look at your mobile as soon as possible.

The header of the notice has a red alert sign and includes the header “Civil protection alert”. The notice also incorporates a vibration system in order to generate a higher emergency effect among people. An accept button is also included that will prevent the alarm from continuing to sound. You can see it perfectly in the video that we share below.


What a fright . #emergencyalert #government #Asturias ES-Alert #esalert #mass alert #112

♬ original sound – Laia Barco

Although it is true that the first reaction when hearing the alert is to panic, especially when it is something atypical, it is advisable to remain calm and concentrate on what is happening. If you are with people who can worry easily, such as the elderly who depend on Red Cross telecare support or children, it is advisable to do your best to help them calm down so that you can make a decision about what to do next. What will have to be done in each case will vary depending on the emergency, but the alert notification itself will include details and instructions about it.

Also, in case you’re wondering, you don’t have to worry if you usually have your mobile silent, since the notification has priority over any option you have defined in the terminal. This will ensure that if the phone is on, you will always hear it.

the first tests

As a result of the official launch of the alert system at the beginning of 2023, different cities and regions are carrying out tests to verify that everything works well and, not least, with the aim of accustoming citizens to their sound and system. The latter is essential, since having had a previous drill will help, when it sounds for a real reason, the impact of the sound, which causes fear the first times it is heard, is less.

Tests have been carried out in all kinds of places, but there are locations where it is especially important. For example, in the simulation process that is being carried out in Catalonia, a few days ago there was an important test that covered Tarragona, Terres de l’Ebre and Penedés. It was one of the most anticipated tests by citizens because they know that, especially in Tarragona, they live at high risk due to the presence of a large number of factories near residential areas. The Tarragona petrochemical company, in addition to displaying a striking appearance at night with the great lighting it has, is one of the highest risk points in the region. In 2020, an explosion caused three deaths and generated great concern among the population. With an alert system like this, there will be more chances of avoiding tragedies in specific risk situations.

Tests have also been carried out in many other parts of Spain, such as Pamplona, ​​Asturias and other parts of Catalonia, such as Girona and Barcelona, ​​so don’t be surprised if you soon participate in one of them. The plan is for the whole country to get to experience it as soon as possible so that a feeling of familiarity towards the sound that causes the alert develops.

Tips that will help you

As we told you before, try to be calm and not get carried away by your nerves. Read carefully the message that Civil Protection has sent and the instructions that they share with you. You may be told to take cover at home or to a certain point where there may be shelter. In the latter case, it is most likely that a map link will be included so that you can click on it and thus more easily reach the safe destination. Think about the people who are with you and don’t waste time collecting your personal belongings. Take the essentials with you and make sure you go outside, if you have to, with comfortable clothes and shoes.

Alert notifications like the one from ES-Alert are very common in countries that experience more natural disasters, so this is something some people are very familiar with. And in all cases, the same thing is always recommended: do not lose your cool and act with your head.

In addition to this, it is recommended that you make sure that your phone has emergency notifications activated. In general, the activation has been carried out automatically and you probably have it on, but it never hurts to check it. If you have an iPhone, you will have to enter Settings, then Notifications and scroll down until you see “ES-Alert, Civil Protection Pre-Alerts”.

On the other hand, in Android you have to go to Settings, then enter Security and emergencies, and thirdly touch Wireless emergency alerts. On the next screen, activate all the alerts that appear to be completely sure that you will receive them.

This way, whatever the situation, and although it is always preferable that nothing happens and that you never have to listen to the ES-Alert beep, if it does sound, you are prepared for what may happen.

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