Lenovo has the most comprehensive and sustainable RENEWAL plan on the market


Although the use of a computer in the home and business environment is very similar, their useful life is not always the same, since the security needs in both environments are completely different.

This year marks the 4th anniversary of the coronavirus pandemic, a pandemic that forced many companies to adopt mobility solutions so that their employees could continue working remotely from their homes.

In terms of security within a company, 4 years is more than enough time to consider upgrading equipment and purchasing more modern equipment that includes new security features such as the Lenovo range of equipment with AMD Security PRO.

Lenovo RENEWAL Plan

Now that many companies are renewing the equipment they acquired during the pandemic, Lenovo has presented the Plan RENOVE campaign, a plan designed for companies to renew their equipment by taking advantage of a series of exclusive benefits that only this company offers.

What is Lenovo’s RENOVE Plan and how does it work?

Lenovo’s RENEWAL Plan is the perfect solution for companies that are committed to the security of their equipment and that also maintain a firm commitment to the environment. This plan takes into account all the necessary aspects to carry out the renewal of devices in the most efficient, safe and attractive way for companies.

To take advantage of Lenovo’s buyback plan, a company must have between 30 and 50 computers. Companies interested in using Lenovo’s RENOVE Plan must first complete a template (available from here) with all the models you want to renew, regardless of their manufacturer and where you must establish the model, its physical and functional condition, the processor model, the number of computers, among others, and send it to the email address rpozo@lenovo.com to receive the corresponding assessment that will be credited to the customer account once the renewal process has been completed.

Lenovo RENEWAL Plan

This assessment includes destruction and environmental certificates to be incorporated into the company’s sustainability reports to comply with CSRD and ESG criteria. Lenovo retires equipment from companies using the Lenovo RENEW Plan, and is reviewed by Lenovo before putting it back on the market for a second life.

The storage unit, the most important in any computer, is subjected to one or more processes to eliminate all its content so that it is unrecoverable based on the needs of the clients.

  • Software processes to delete all data on all storage drives so that it is impossible to recover the data non-invasively, using low-level formatting that rewrites all sectors of the storage drive and/or restoring the device to factory settings, a process that also does not allow data to be recovered that was stored on it.
  • Physical and logical techniques are applied that prevent data from being recovered using state-of-the-art laboratory techniques and prevent the reuse of drives.
  • Physical destruction. In other cases, the client may request that the storage units be directly destroyed through a shredding process whose size may vary depending on the client’s requirements.

If you have any questions about how Lenovo’s RENEWAL Plan works, you can request a free proof of concept to see if this manufacturer’s proposal for renewing your company’s old computer equipment is the most convenient, safe and environmentally sustainable solution.

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