Mesh system or PLC devices for a two-story home? It depends on this


To have a better Wi-Fi connection at home, you can use different devices that help improve coverage. Depending on the type of home you live in and what you need exactly, you can choose between different options. We are going to talk about what is best for a two-story home, between the option of using a Mesh system or PLC devices. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, so it is key to know how to choose correctly. In particular, there is one detail that will be essential.

The purpose of both devices is to extend the connection further. They are especially useful when the distance to be covered is very large. It may be from one room to another and they are very far away or, as in this case, you have a house with several floors and you want to have a good wireless connection on all of them.

PLC or Mesh system for several plants

First of all, let’s briefly talk about how each of the options works. Starting with Mesh systems, there are several satellites that connect to each other and allow the connection to be extended further. Unlike repeaters, they are not connected directly to the router, but to each other, which allows them to cover a larger area, of several hundred square meters. On the other hand, PLC devices work through electrical wiring. This is what allows the connection to be extended further, such as to a second floor. This will be decisive, as we will explain below, in choosing one option or another, depending on the type of home you live in.

So, what is going to determine whether it is better to use a Mesh system or PLC devices? What tips the balance is whether the home has a cable installation or not. That is, if you have different points to connect devices via Ethernet cable on both floors. If this is the case, then it is best to use a Mesh system. These are devices that will allow you to cover a larger area and with better quality.

However, if your home does not have an Ethernet cable installation, to have a connection on several floors, it is a better option to use PLC devices. You will use the electrical wiring, so the signal will be more stable and you will have fewer problems to be able to reach the desired speed and not have any type of limitation.

Choose quality products

Regardless of whether you choose a Mesh system or PLC devices, it is very important that you always use quality products. You will find many options available, but not all of them will work equally well. It is key that they are of quality, that they allow to achieve a good speed and stability. You should look at the characteristics that they have. For example, it is important that they are dual band, that they have a good maximum speed, Gigabit Ethernet ports and that they allow connecting many devices without problems. The latter is important today, if we take into account that there are more and more connected devices in homes.

In short, you can use both Mesh systems and PLC devices to carry the connection from one floor to another. If you have a cable installation at home, it is best to use Mesh systems. If you do not have one, then PLC devices would be ideal to carry the connection in a stable manner.

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