Home Cars & Motorcycles Cars Nissan has an electric car that could succeed in Spain due to...

Nissan has an electric car that could succeed in Spain due to its low price


It is called Nissan Sakura and it is a “kei car” that is sold exclusively in Japan, where it has achieved such success that it has exceeded all the forecasts of the Japanese brand.

At the beginning of 2022, the Japanese brand launched a small electric car on the market, the Nissan Sakura, which has achieved resounding success in Japan. Its commercialization in Spain is not foreseen, but, of course, it could succeed due to its low price.

It is a small electric car just 3.4 meters long, belonging to the “kei car” category, so popular in Japan since the 1980s, promoted by the Japanese government to reduce the size of cars to free up space and decongest urban areas. In exchange, the owners are released from certain tax liens.

The closest thing to the Nissan Sakura that we have in Spain is the Dacia Spring, although this is a little bigger, although the benefits are not far from the Japanese.

Nissan has an electric car that could succeed in Spain due to its low price

The Nissan Sakura is powered by a 64 hp engine, powered by a 20 kWh battery that provides a range of 180 kilometers on a single charge. It is not a great autonomy, but it is not bad for short trips in the city.

As for benefits, the one figure that is known is its maximum speed and it must be said that it is not bad at all, taking into account its dimensions and that it is electric. It is capable of reaching 130 km/h, even more than the Dacia Spring, which has 45 hp and reaches 120 km/h.

Well, the success of Nissan’s electric car has been such that, just two months after opening the reservation period, it far exceeded 20,000 units and the manufacturer was forced to close the order book in summer, until it released to the bulk of reserves.

For less than 16,500 euros

Nissan electric car, Nissan Sakura

This is a very significant fact in Japan, a country where electric cars are not so popular, because they do not enjoy a positive perception by the Japanese. Surely the reason lies in the price of battery-powered vehicles, much higher than that of equivalent internal combustion models.

Precisely, perhaps the price is the key to the success that the Nissan Sakura is having. The basic version starts at 2,333,100 yen, which, translated into euros, would be just under 16,500 euros, while the top-of-the-range variant costs 940,300 yen, about 20,700 euros.

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