Home Cars & Motorcycles Cars Not everything is sticks, the DGT applauds two drivers in Ávila for...

Not everything is sticks, the DGT applauds two drivers in Ávila for this maneuver



The applause of the DGT

We are used to the fact that the General Directorate of Traffic puts a red face on many drivers for having committed an infraction, such as skipping a STOP sign or making an incorrect overtaking. But not everything is sticks, here the DGT applauds two drivers in Ávila for this maneuver.

If there is something that drives many users crazy, it is roundabouts. They are a source of accidents and uncomfortable situations at the wheel, because many are not clear about how to drive through them.

On numerous occasions, the DGT itself has explained how to drive around a roundabout: the rules are clear, the car that drives inside the roundabout always has preference and, once inside, you have to use the turn signals to change direction. lane, follow or exit the roundabout on the outside.

Not everything is sticks, the DGT applauds two drivers in Ávila for this maneuver

Unfortunately, theory is one thing and practice is quite another, and the reality is that many confusing situations occur when driving through a roundabout.

But, this time, the DGT has released a video on Twitter where two drivers are seen driving correctly around a roundabout: “Still have doubts about how to drive around a roundabout? You can follow the example of these two vehicles in Ávila. The two vehicles show us how we should circulate and exit a roundabout. A good practice that deserves applause”.

In this way, the body dependent on the Ministry of the Interior shows with a real example how to drive around a roundabout and applauds the behavior of some drivers.

Sometimes the indications to take a roundabout are not very clear, to the point that traffic jams can be generated. What you must be clear about is that you must always give way to those who are inside and not leave a roundabout on the inside lane.

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