Searches for “My eyes hurt” on Google grow due to the solar eclipse


After the solar eclipse on April 8, searches for ‘My eyes hurt’ on Google have increased. As always when these astronomical phenomena occur, experts recommended wearing glasses to observe it to avoid damaging the eyes. The results of Google Trends show that there are those who have ignored the advice and have suffered the consequences.

The Sun, Moon and Earth aligned yesterday causing a solar eclipse that could be seen in various parts of the planet. This event was observed in its entirety in Mexico, the United States and Canada, but some Spaniards witnessed it partially in the Canary Islands, A Coruña and Pontevedra.

Around 2:30 PM ET, when the solar eclipse was fully visible in the United States, several people searched ‘My eyes hurt’ on Google. According to the media outlet 9to5Google, there was a large spike in searches that have been reflected in Google Trends, a tool that shows the Google search history of any term in the recent past.

my eyes hurt google trends

The topic stopped being searched as much around 4:00 PM ET, when the eclipse was no longer visible in most of the US territory. According to the aforementioned article, the five states most concerned about eye pain after the eclipse were New Hampshire, Arkansas, Indiana, Rhode Island and West Virginia. The last two could not see the total eclipse (only partial).

If we search for ‘eye pain’ in Spain on Google Trends, we also get a peak of searches around 3:44 AM. However, it is not as notable as the case of the United States. Furthermore, we do not know if it is related to the solar eclipse, since it occurred between 8:00-9:00 PM and could not be fully seen anywhere in the country.

It is not the first time that ‘My eyes hurt’ is a trend due to an eclipse

The previous time a total solar eclipse could be seen from the United States was in August 2017. According to data shared on Google Trends, there were also many searches about eye pain.

All experts always advise wearing protective glasses to view eclipses. Although observing the moment when the Sun is aligned with the Moon and the Earth in its entirety is less dangerous than looking directly at the star, it is still harmful.

The phenomenon lasts a long time and, even if natural light decreases, it continues to harm the eyes. Even when it seems like the Sun is completely hidden, the glare can damage your eyes and it is necessary to wear protective glasses.

When will the next solar eclipse be in Spain?

The solar eclipse on April 8 has barely been perceptible from Spain. Furthermore, in the places where it has been seen (some parts of Galicia and the Canary Islands), it has been done partially.

However, the next solar eclipse can be seen completely from the Iberian Peninsula. According to the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands (IAC), on August 12, 2026 we will be able to enjoy this celestial phenomenon.

total solar eclipse

In total, it can be observed from Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla y León, Basque Country, La Rioja, Navarra, Castilla-La Mancha, Madrid, Aragón, Valencia, Catalonia and the Balearic Islands. In the rest of the territories it can be seen partially.

To prevent Google search trends on eye pain from increasing, as in the case of the United States, it will be advisable to wear special glasses if we want to see the eclipse. Even if we do not want to pay attention to what is happening above our heads, we will have to take extreme precautions if we go outside during the time the phenomenon lasts.

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