Chrome has a must-have update that fixes 17 security issues


Google Chrome users now have access to a new browser update that, this time, solves a total of 17 security problems. The good news is that this update is available in both the Windows version of the program and the one corresponding to both Linux and Apple’s macOS system.

It doesn’t always happen, but Google has acted very effectively and quickly to fix the vulnerabilities that had been discovered in Chrome. This means that, according to the information that has emerged on the Internet, we know that, except for a last-minute discovery, none of these solved vulnerabilities have been exploited by cybercriminals. That is, of course, excellent news. By nipping security holes in the bud, Chrome maintains its stability and prevents potential incidents in the future. But, of course, to make sure you don’t have problems you have to update your browser.

One of the vulnerabilities was high risk

Although Google offers increasingly transparent information about everything related to Chrome, so far only specific data on 13 of the 17 vulnerabilities has been revealed. Thus we discovered that one of them was categorized as high risk. More precisely, it is the one identified with the code CVE-2024-9954 and which was linked to Chrome’s artificial intelligence module.

Typing on a laptop

Apart from this vulnerability, the others are categorized as medium or low risk. Unfortunately, not much more in-depth information has been provided, although, knowing that they may not have been exploited, we are quite satisfied with the situation. This update, which is available as number 130.0.6723.58/59 on Windows and macOS, and as number 130.0.6723.58 on Linux, is also expected to be available on other browsers that use Chromium.

Improving Chrome 130 performance

Google released Chrome version 130 a few days ago and has made it a major turning point for the program. There are many new features that have been introduced in this latest version of the platform that aim to improve performance significantly. For example, Google itself mentions that users will benefit significantly from the use of the password manager that is included and that allows Passkeys to be protected. This applies to both users who use the browser on computers and those who have it on their Android mobile device.

Chrome 130 Security System

Other new features included in this new version of the system include more tools aimed at increasing the daily security of those who use the browser. For example, a new system is available that protects users from possible phishing attacks, as well as other types of malware. To be highly effective, this system uses artificial intelligence to combat threats. For its part, Google has also incorporated several additional security features that protect the device while they are activated in the background.

If you have downloaded the latest Chrome update and want to be completely sure that these additional features have been activated, you will have to enter Privacy and Security. Next, look for the Advanced Safe Browsing option and make sure you have it activated so you know you are already benefiting from those new features.

Activate Chrome safe browsing system 130

In the case of using a Chromium-based browser, such as Microsoft Edge, Opera or Brave, although they already have the latest adjustments in terms of vulnerabilities, they have not yet received Chrome 130. In any case, it is expected that, shortly Little by little, each of the browsers is updated to benefit from the new features that the Google browser is introducing.

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